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Monday 13th July

Good morning Class Four,

I hope you all had a lovely weekend. I had a really nice weekend and so did Mrs Soley. We have written our normal morning messages and taken lots of photos for you, but the Internet is not working at school. Mr Woolley has phoned the IT people and apparently it’s a whole Hampshire council IT issue and not sure when it will get fixed. Hopefully later today. We will put up our messages and photos as soon as it’s fixed (I’ve had to write this little message on an iPad as it’s the only thing working!) Have a great day today, keep working hard for us.

Love Miss Olver and Mrs Soley x


Year 5

Today you are going to be carrying on with your learning about shapes from last week. Today you are going to be working on reflecting shapes. Go to the White Rose Home Learning website and choose Summer Term, Week 11, Lesson 3 'Reflections'. Watch the video, work through the worksheet and then check your answers. Hopefully someone at home will have a mirror you can borrow for this activity!

If you have time, or want an extra challenge, have a go at the extension sheet below which has two problems on similar to the pink problems we often do in class. I have attached the answers so you can check your work.

Year 6

Today you are going to continue with your work on the four operations from last week. Today you are going to be working on mental calculations and on estimating calculations. The lesson is called 'Mental Calculations and Estimation'. Watch the video by clicking on the link below, work through the worksheet and then check your answers.

If you have time, or want an extra challenge, have a go at the extension sheet below. It is a code breaker activity so should be good fun. I've included the answers so you can check your work. 


I know how much you all enjoy writing stories. You are such a creative and imaginative group! So I thought it was only fitting that for the last silent writing session of the year, you got to write a story. You might want to base it on animals as this has been our topic this term, or you can have free choice to write a story about anything you like. I am really looking forward to reading them smiley

Today, use the story mountain planning sheet below to plan your story, ready to write it tomorrow. You will have time in the afternoon sessions to illustrate your story too!


Today is the last session in our 'It's A Bugs Life' topic. I have attached a task for you to work through where you will need to apply your learning from the whole topic in order to answer the questions. (Although it says Year 5, it is for our whole class, so please ignore this!) Hopefully you will be able to answer the questions by yourself and then you'll see just how much you've learnt in this topic this half term! If you're not sure about one of the questions, look back through your topic work in your book. If you're still not sure, you could do some research on the Internet. I've attached the answers so you can check your work.

Spellings and Reading

Mrs Kimble has written some new spelling sentences for you this week.

Start practising these sentences today ready for your test on Friday.

Also do some independent reading of your choice.
