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Keep up to date with all the latest news happening in school at the moment.

  • Lucky with the weather

    Fri 25 Jun 2021

    Somehow between the chilly start of the week and the rain forecast for next, we had some warm, dry days for Class 3’s trip to the seashore and sports day! Sports day went well with children all participating and joining in. It was an odd event without parents though and I am very conscious many of you will have really missed it. I think everyone had assumed ‘back to normal’ would have happened by now, it seems as time goes on that concept becomes more distant. We will approach the next academic year with the goal to involve parents as fully as we can as a constant aim. We will try to plan new things that we can do, in the context of whatever regulations exist – I quite like the idea of an early Autumn ‘Sports Festival’ for example.

  • Current restrictions and end of term plans

    Fri 18 Jun 2021

    I hope you received the paper letter we sent home yesterday regarding the events planning for the rest of the term. Unfortunately, the prime minister’s delay in the relaxation to Stage 4 means we have to continue with the current rules and events such as sports day are not viable to include parents in. There are some areas we are able to continue with, our small size is in our favour and Year R transition can continue with all the new children being given opportunities to come into school, something many of our larger neighbours are unable to offer. Please note that whilst the current arrangements continue, please continue to wear masks at home time as everyone has so diligently been doing for a while.

  • Welcome back after the half-term break

    Fri 11 Jun 2021

    The children have returned from half term with news about things they have done and people they have met up with which was lovely – it has been a while since they had proper news to share!
    And summer has definitely started with pleasant, warm days all week. It is perhaps a good time to remind everyone to be ready for the warmer conditions. Water bottles are essential in school – children can refill them whenever required but cannot access water via the water fountain which is closed as a COVID control measure. Children have access to shade in whichever playtime zone they are in but hats are also key pieces of uniform. Finally, please remember that children should wear normal leather-style shoes not sandals or shoes with open-areas.
