Good morning Class 1,
Last day of the week and I hope we are all still feeling rather chirpy. I hope the mums and dads are still feeling chirpy too?????!! It's another great forecast for today and Sunday so make sure you get outside as much as you can and make the most of it - the rain is meant to be back in the middle of the week (boo!). Our pool is now up and ready for a dip. As yet nobody has dipped but watch this space!!! (I certainly will not be dipping!!!).
How did the evil pea get on yesterday with escaping with treasure - did he get away with much before his boat sank? If you have a moment over the weekend when you don't know what to do, don't forget to check out Mr Woolley's lego challenge for this week. It's a rather good one - all about making a letter out of lego. You could have a go at doing the first letter of your name or your whole name. And I thought last week's challenge about making a magical animal was something many of you would like to do. Anyway, enjoy today, keep checking out the gallery and have a lovely weekend.
Letters and Sounds
Click on the link below to join in singing the alphabet song.
Practise writing down the digraphs and trigraphs from your sound cards. Have a sneaky peak if you need to, but see how many you can remember now.
Sound out and write, cow, church, her, boat - you can look at the correct digraph to help you for each word if you need to.
Can you write come, some, have - who can get all three right now without peeking?
Let's practise reading some 2 syllable words together. Remember, sound out the first syllable and say it and then add on the second syllable. All of them have the 'er' sound for their second syllable. Remember to click on the slide show icon at the bottom to play the powerpoint.
Now let's have a go at writing a sentence. Choose the one that is best for you. See if you can remember to start your sentence with a capital letter and put a full-stop at the end.
Come to the tower.
Can I have some flowers?
Come to the tower to see some flowers that have long stems.
Number Time
Watch the Lesson 4 Oak Academy maths lesson video - Finding one less than a given number.
Have a go at Day 5 of the Supertato lessons - please make a super veggie over the weekend as you'll need him/her to write a story about next week!!!!
Farm Learning
Watch the final day 4 Lamcam video. Talk to your adult about why the lambs and sheep are normally given a number on their back and not a name! Then print off the sheet of sheep and lambs below, cut them all out and spread the sheep out in front of you. You and your adult (or big brother or sister) are going to be farmers. Adult farmer - practise calling out a number of a sheep and child farmer send your sheep dog over to that numbered sheep. Then swap roles. Next, adult farmer call out a number of a sheep and say "she's lambing!". Child farmer send your dog over to the sheep and then write down the same number on to one of the lambs and put it with its ewe. Repeat until all the lambs have mothers and numbers. baaaaaaaaa
PE Dave has put another PE video up on his PE section of the website and it is all about basketball skills. Have a watch (go to the "Sport and Keeping Active Home Learning" section of the "News" part of our website and click on the video for 24th April, and then have a go at the activities. There is also a challenge for this week which is how many squats can you do in 30 seconds - have a go and see if you can do as many as 26 which is Dave's record.
Have you noticed how short Dave's hair is in his latest video? He had it all his shaved off to raise money for the NHS and raised £200. Well done Dave.