Can I answer questions about our class book Charlie and the Chocolate factory?
Today we are going to start reading the first chapter of Charlie and the Chocolate factory. If you have the book, it would be a good idea to read along as you watch my video. But before we start reading the book, I would like you to look at a few different front covers for the book. There are some pictures saved below.
Compare these covers and think about these questions:
Which cover do you like the best? Why?
What is the same about each one? What is different?
Later on this term, once we have read more of the book, I will ask you to design your own front cover.
Next read the blurb on the picture below.
What does it tell us about what is going to happen in this book?
What do we find out about the characters?
How does it persuade you to start reading the story?
Listen to me reading the first part of Chapter 1. If you have the book, follow the text as I read.
Then reread the section of the book and answer the questions on the worksheet saved below the video.