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Thursday 28th January

Good morning Class 2!


Good morning Class 2!

I hope you're having a good week so far. I hope you've been enjoying the learning we've been putting up on the website. What's been your favourite thing you've done so far this week? What piece of work are you most proud of? I hope you've been having a look at our Class gallery to see if you can spot any of your work! This afternoon we're carrying on with our Science and you'll be getting busy making things so I hope you enjoy it and I look forward to seeing your creations!


Have a lovely day.


Love Mrs Pilgrim x

Good morning from Mrs Miller and our ice decorations!


Still image for this video
Spot the difference

We have added some more stories to our board. Can you spot the new characters, or even retell any of the stories?


Have fun, love Mrs Miller and Miss Newton



Year 1:

Today we are going to practice using capital letters and full stops accurately. First, watch this song to remind you how to use capital letters and full stops in sentences:

Click on the link below to a BBC lesson about capital letters. I only want you to watch the video at the top of the page and then return to this page to find out what to do next:
Click below to watch a video of me adding capital letters and full stops to a sentence:

Now it's your turn! Click on the document below and print it off. Use a coloured pen to add in capital letters and full stops. For the last box, you need to write your own sentence. Don't forget your capital letters and full stop! If you don't have a printer, just talk about where the capital letters and full stops should go. Then you could write some of your own sentences with capital letters and full stops.

Year 2:

In your phonics lessons last week, we learnt all about verbs. We know that verbs are action verbs. Click on the Power Point below and play the game. You have to find the verb in each of the sentences. Remember to read each sentence carefully!

Did you notice that some of the sentences were written in the present tense (happening now) and some were written in the past tense (happened before now). Click on the Power Point again and this time try to spot if each sentence is present tense or past tense. What do you notice about the verb?
Click on the document below and read through the 12 box summary of Hansel and Gretel. I have highlighted some of the verbs in the first 6 boxes for you. Can you find any more verbs in boxes 7-12? Underline or highlight them using a coloured pen. Click on the video to hear me reading the whole 12 box summary to you:

Now have a go at changing some of the verbs you have found from present tense to past tense. Do you just need to add -ed or do you need to change the word completely. Some of these are very tricky! There are lots of rules to follow when you are changing verbs from present tense to past tense. We haven't learnt all of these rules yet! Have a go and keep reading the word out loud. Does it sound right? You could write your past tense verbs at the bottom of each box. If we were doing this in school, you would be doing this activity in pairs. You could work in a pair with a grown up at home!


Year 1:


Let's start by practising reading our phase 3 digraphs. Click the link below to the Phonics Play website. You will need to log in with the following details: Username: jan21 Password: home

Click on Resources, then Phase 3 and scroll down to find the Flashcards Speed Trial Game. Select either Phase 3 or if you want more of a challenge, Phase 3 and 5a. Practice reading each of the graphemes. How many did you get right?

Today we are going to practice reading polysyllabic words. These are long words that contain more than one syllable. Click on the Power Point below to have a practice:
Now have a go at the activity below. You have to cut out the pictures and stick them beside the correct polysyllabic word. There are 3 different sheets so you can choose one to do or have a go at all 3!

Year 2:

On Tuesday you revised capital letters and yesterday you revised using full stops. Now you are an expert! Have a go at the activity below. The lines are quite narrow on this sheet so you might find it easier to do your writing on a separate sheet.



Now we have spent a few days learning about division and sharing things into equal groups I would like you to have a go at some problem solving.


Watch my videos to show you how I would solve similar problems.

Year 1 Maths input

Year 2 input

Please see below Year 1 and Year 2 problems to solve. Good luck!



This term we are continuing to think about materials and their properties. Have a look at the PowerPoint below to remind yourself of different materials and their properties. In the PowerPoint it asks you to have a look at Materials word cards. These are also saved below. Perhaps you might like to hunt around your house to find some of the materials and use the word cards to help you explain their properties. If you'd like to take some pictures to send to us that would be lovely.

For your Science today you will need to know the story of The Three Little Pigs. Watch the video below.

Your challenge today is to build the three little pigs' houses using whatever materials you can find from home, such as hay/straw (if you have a pet), drinking straws, little twigs, lolly sticks, Playdough, clay and lego.


Once you have made your houses either video yourself to describe the materials you have chosen and predict if you think it will be strong enough to stay standing when the wolf blows, or you could take some pictures and write some material words to go with your pictures.

Story time with Mrs Miller

As lots of you said you enjoy Percy the Park Keeper stories, I thought I would share another with you today. I hope you enjoy listening to After the Storm.

After the Storm story
