Remote Learning for Friday 18 February 2022 Closure is on the class pages - under the 'Our Children' Tab
Our key aim is that a child who cannot be at school can access the learning which was planned by the teacher and that when they return, they blend back into school and continue this learning journey. This is not an alternative to being in school and is only for those contexts where an enforced isolation would occur. If a child is feeling well enough to work at home (assuming no COVID symptoms), then they are well enough to be in school and should be.
Our plan is therefore to make available on the website, two days worth of activities that can be used whenever required. These will be drawn from the key ideas for that class and used to reinforce and practice skills already covered. Critically, they do not contain new learning which would require some input and guidance. At the moment an isolation is announced, children would be directed to use these ‘two-day-emergency’ resources. This would ‘buy the teacher some time’ to convert their plans into remote learning plans – or if they are providing for some whilst others are in school, to distribute materials a day or so after having delivered them in-class. There are also additional curriculum projects to dip into that provide learning across the curriculum to supplement the Day 1 & 2 pages which could easily last 3 to 4 days if required.