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Thursday 23rd April

Good morning - so today's question - How much have you grown since March 19th? 

Morning Job 

Take a photo of the plant you had photographed last term. How has it changed? Look at the how much the lilac tree in my garden has changed. 

Lilac shrub April 22nd


Today is reading - choose a book you like and read for 10 minutes. You can read to yourself, or someone else. In my very first class one of the girls read to her dolls! 




Year 1

Look at the images below. Each one has 3 different measuring problems on it for you to try. Ask a grown up to help you read each one. You might need some things to help you solve them! Try to make sure you explain your answers fully! Grown ups: There is some guidance on the left hand page of each of the images, including some questions to ask your child. This should help you get started! There is no need to record anything today (unless you want to), just discuss each problem.

Year 2

Follow the link to the White Rose Maths website. Click on Summer Term Week 2 Lesson 1: Compare Lengths. First, watch the video and then have a go at the worksheet. 

If you want a little extra measuring challenge, click on the link below!


Today we are going to look more closely at what we can see in the environment around us. 


You are going to make your own quadrant, you can use string, garden canes or what ever you have to make something that looks like the picture below.

How a quadrant works

Make your quadrant, take some paper and a pencil with you and write or draw all the creatures you see in the quadrant. Sit for about 10 minutes. You will need to be still, because the creatures will feel the vibrations through the ground if you move. You will also need to be quiet, otherwise you will scare the living things away! 