Here is today's PE challenge. I'm really looking forward to this one as I love martial arts and am missing my kickboxing lessons! I know some of you are keen martial art-ers too, so I hope you enjoy this.
Today, I would like you to start by completing your Beat That challenge. If you're working from home, then you should have received this in an email. If you're working in school, then you will need to get this from your tray. If you need one, then just drop me an email and I will send it through. Give yourself 2 minutes to complete it. Let me know how you get on and if you have passed I will send you a new one for next Thursday.
Today is our last lesson on short division. You have three options for your learning today.
1. If you would like to do some more work on short division with remainders, then work through the Oak Academy 'Division with Remainders' lesson below. Watch the video, pausing to complete the tasks, then have a go at the quiz.
Here is this week's SPAG challenge from Mrs Kimble.
First, read her message to you. Next, read through the help sheet so you understand how commas can be used with fronted adverbials. Then, have a go at the SPAG challenge. Finally, remember to send me any work you complete so I can forward it onto her. Look at all those fronted adverbials I have used with commas!!!
The Maya Civilisation covered an extremely long period of time!
To help you understand how historical dates are recorded, first read through the BC and AD Powerpoint below.
Have a go at the BC and AD quiz to check your understanding of these terms. There are two options:
Easier: Quiz on Page 1, Answers on Page 2
Harder: Quiz on Page 3, Answers on Page 4
Watch the short video below which shares information about how the Mayan Civilisation changed over time. The video will remind you about lots of the facts we found out last week and hopefully you will also learn a few more.
There is one mistake I spotted in the video - it says it started in 1800BC, which is correct, but then it says '800BC' on the screen, so just ignore this!
First watch the video of Mrs Soley reading the Mayan story ‘Rain Player’.
Then work through the comprehension questions and use the answer sheet to check your work.