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Thursday 18th June

Good morning Class Four,

What a horrible morning! I thought I'd cycle in, hoping that the rain would quickly pass. But clearly not! I turned up at school this morning looking like a drowned rat! All my clothes (and trainers) are hanging up in the cloakroom in the hope they'll dry out during the day, fortunately I always have a spare set of clothes in school.

Last night a rather embarrassing thing happened. I think I've mentioned before that my friend Faye, who I used to teach with at my old school, is a Pilates instructor. Throughout lockdown, I've been doing Pilates with her on a Wednesday night via Zoom. Last night was no different. I worked through the session with the Zoom app open on my phone. At the end she does a lovely relaxation bit, just like we do at school. I lay down on my mat, closed my eyes and concentrated on my breathing. The next thing I knew, all I could hear was "Are you ok? Are you alright?" being shouted at me from my phone. I looked over and Faye was there shouting at me with a really worried look on her face. It turned out that I had fallen asleep! The class had finished, everyone else had left the Zoom call and she was really worried something had happened to me! How embarrassing!!! So I had an early night after that!

Hope you all manage to have a good day today, despite the horrible weather! At least you can do some exercise inside with Joe Wicks and maybe you can just curl up and watch a film this evening if it's still raining.

Love Miss Olver x 

I thought you might like to see some of the amazing poems Class Four pupils (and teachers!) have been writing this week. Hopefully I'll have some more soon which I can share with you.
Here are some more lovely scientific creation story artwork pieces.
I enjoyed yesterday's session as it was another normal session - no nasty surprises! I don't know if you've seen, but Joe has created some participation certificates for you, so if you have been taking part in his sessions, then you might want to print one off to put up. 


It’s Thursday, so you need to do your Learn It challenge today. If you still have one, work through this. If not and you are working on the Ultimate Challenges, then these are saved in the Maths Help section of the Class Four website. If you need another sheet, please email me and tell me which one, then I will email it to you. Give yourself 2 minutes to complete your sheet. Once you are finished, if an adult is free, you could ask them to kindly mark it for you, if not, mark it yourself with a calculator.


Year 5

Today you are going to be continuing with your work on line graphs. Again the video is on a new website, so make sure you click on the link below rather than going on the normal White Rose page. Today's lesson is called 'Use Line Graphs to Solve Problems'. Watch the video and then work through the worksheet. I have attached the answers so you can check your work.

If you have time, or want an extra challenge, have a go at the website below or the line graph challenge cards to practise your line graph skills. If you choose to do the challenge cards, I have attached the answers so you can check your work.

Year 6

Today you are going to be starting a new unit of work on measures. Go to the White Rose Maths Home Learning Year 6 website and find Summer Term Week 8, Lesson 3 which is called ‘Convert Metric Measures’. Watch the video and then work through the worksheet.  I have attached the answers so you can check your work. I have also attached a document showing my workings for questions 9, 10 and 11 in case you want to see how I worked them out.

If you have time, or want an extra challenge, have a go at one of the websites below or the 'Who Wants To Be A Millionaire?' game to practise your measurement skills.


Today we are going to be focusing on spellings in our English session. We are going to be looking at the words: where, were, wear and we're which often get confused because they sound similar and are spelt similarly. These words are in your spelling sentences this week.

Start by looking through the Powerpoint to help you remember the meaning of each word.

Next I want you to open up the document below. In the box for each word, I would like you to draw a picture to help you remember what the word means and to write a sentence with the word spelt and used correctly in it. If you've forgotten what the word means, you can always open up the Powerpoint again to remind yourself.

Now work through the worksheet below, writing the correct word on each line. I've attached the answers so you can check your work.
You might want to practise your spellings now whilst the words are in your mind.


Today in French we are going to be starting a new unit of work on animals to link to our topic work.

Today we are going to be learning the French names for different animals which people often keep as pets. First, look at the Powerpoint which introduces the vocabulary for the different animals. Hopefully you will already recognise some of them from previous work. As you work through the Powerpoint, make sure you click on the speaker button which will play a sound clip of someone saying the French word so you can hear how to pronounce it, try saying back after you've listened each time.

Next have a go at the worksheet below which involves matching the picture of an animal to its French name. There are 3 options for this.

Easiest option - task is on Page 1, answers are on Page 4

Middle option - task is on Page 2, answers are on Page 5

Hardest option - task is on Page 3, answers are on Page 6.

Remember, if you're not sure, you can look back at the Powerpoint for clues.

Finally, cut out the images of the pets and the French translations from the document below, then see if you can match them up. If you have time and someone to play with, have a go at playing matching pairs with the cards.

Spellings and Reading

Make sure you practise your spellings (if you didn't practise them in the English session earlier) ready for your test tomorrow and do some independent reading of your choice - this could be reading some of the poems Class Four children have written.
