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Tuesday 9th June


Start the lesson by practising your times tables. Think about which way works best for you. You have the flash cards and your Numberlink board. You could try some timestables games on the computer if you prefer. Then do your first times tables test of the week. I have heard how well so many of you are doing! Keep practising smiley


Year 3

Can I  describe the properties of 2-D shapes ?

Go to the National Oak website and work through the quiz, video and slides. There is another set of questions saved below if you would like to do a little more but this is quite a long lesson today so you may not have time!



Year 4

Can I solve problems involving different units of measure?


Work through the quiz, video and slides at the National Oak academy website:

You are solving a range of different questions involving time, length and money using some of the skills you have learnt in previous lessons.


If you finish, there are some extra length problems saved below.


Can I plan a persuasive rap or letter or leaflet?

In today's lesson you have a choice. You can either follow the lesson for the National Oak academy which will help you plan and write your own persuasive rap about a way of helping the environment. If you do this lesson, start the lesson at 5 minutes 42 seconds. There are examples of different raps on the Slides and some helpful ideas and vocabulary on Slides . Look at the success criteria on Slide 13. ( Leave Slide 14)


The second choice is to write a letter or make a leaflet to persuade a country's government to make school journeys safer. If you do this task, you need to look back at the work you did last week on journeys to school. You have already collected some words and phrases about one of the school journeys. There is a short Powerpoint presentation you can read to help you. There are also 2 word mats with some helpful words and phrases.


In today's lesson I would just like you to plan your written work. There is a planning sheet below for each of the 2 activities. 


In tomorrow's English lesson, you will be writing your rap or letter and on Thursday you will be making improvements and corrections. 


Can I spell words with k sound spelt ck  c   or ch  ?


Fill in the missing letters on the sheet below to spell the words correctly using the correct spelling of k

The answers are saved below so you can mark your work.


Can I explore habitats? Can I identify some invertebrates?


Start by visiting the bbc bitesize website and watch the video clips about vertebrates and invertebrates.


Then try sorting Vertebrates and Invertebrates on Activity 1 and do the quiz which is Activity 2


Next Read the information on the Powerpoint presentation about different types of Invertebrates.

Now is the time to go outside on a minibeast hunt. You can look in different places in your garden, or go for a walk somewhere to look for creatures. 

There is a recording sheet saved and an identification key. I have also saved another sheet to help you identify what you find.


Today you are on Level 3 Stage 7. You will be practising letters v and m which are on the bottom row of the keyboard.
