Good morning Class Four and welcome to the last two days of home learning before the holidays!
I hope you all had a lovely weekend. On Friday night, I went to my friends Hannah and Olly's house for a belated birthday BBQ. They are my oldest friends from Southampton - me and Olly started lifeguarding at the university pool together when I was just 18! Then when I was 19, I learnt how to be a swimming teacher and shadowed some of Hannah's lessons as she was already a teacher at the pool. I've been friends with them now for 12 and a half years and in that time they started dating, got married and bought a house together. We had a lovely evening catching up and the food was delicious. They even bought me a birthday cake - I was really spoilt!
On Saturday, I felt very tired - I wonder if some of you are also feeling a bit rundown and tired as we reach the end of term? I had a very quiet day, I walked Flash at the river first thing, I drew some pictures to make thank you cards for my birthday presents, read my book and slept for a few hours in the garden. On Sunday, I had another quiet day and just did some jobs around the house. On Sunday afternoon, Sarah, who looks after Flash, popped around. He hasn't been going to hers during lockdown, so hadn't seen her since March. Before March he had been every day since he was 4 months old! He went absolutely crazy when she arrived, giving her so many cuddles and sloppy dog kisses - it was such a lovely reunion! She bought him a lovely bone toy and Fred a fish toy. As you can see from the photos, Flash has decided that he prefers the fish!
I hope you enjoy the activities I've put up for today and tomorrow - they are a bit more end-of-termy (if that's a word!) and I hope you have fun completing them.
I really hope everyone has now received their letters and enjoyed reading them. It would be lovely if you could all send us one last email today or tomorrow before the Summer holidays - we will miss hearing from you!
Have a great day, love Miss Olver x
Here is a message from Mrs Soley for you:
Good morning class 4,
Welcome to my last message of the school year. That sounds a bit sad, doesn’t it, but it means we start our summer holidays in just a couple of days. I hope you are all looking forward to it although some of you might have been off to foreign places and that may not be happening now. We are having a short break at a holiday park near Chichester in West Sussex. Its not very far away but at least we will have had a holiday. The best bit is that Hannah and Jacob are taking their caravan to a nearby campsite so we’ll be able to spend some time together as well. We have already organised a sleepover on the first night away. As you can see from my photos, Jacob likes the beach and seaside so we have booked parking at West Wittering beach. I wonder if any of you have been there, it’s a lovely sandy beach. I have been a few times with my own children when they were younger and we always used to stop at a nice pub/restaurant called the Lamb Inn on the way back for our tea after a long day on the beach. Perfect!
My other photo shows Jacob being adventurous. He had shown no interest in the slide when he got it for his birthday but as you see, he’s finding his bravery. I’m hoping he will start to walk independently very soon.
I hope you all enjoy the last two days of term and I look forward to seeing the new Year 6 in September. Have a wonderful summer all of you and I wish our leavers the very best of luck for the future and lots of love.
Best wishes.
Mrs Soley xx
PE Summer Challenge
Lots of you know Darren who organises all the sports competitions in our school games district. He has shared a fantastic Summer Holiday fitness challenge called 'Trek to Tokyo'. The idea is that you do some different exercise challenges throughout the holidays and earn miles for them. Hopefully you will earn enough miles to 'Trek to Tokyo'.
Each week you can download a booklet from the website below which will have a new set of challenges in and will tell you how many miles each challenge is worth. You can also use the mile record sheet below to record your progress on. There will be certificates available in September for those of you who manage to meet the Bronze/Silver/Gold mileage!
It looks like a fantastic challenge, so I hope lots of you will try it out. Good luck!
I know how much you all love a maths mystery challenge so I thought you might enjoy doing some for your Maths activities this week! Today's mystery is based all around place value so will help you to practise your place value skills. Enjoy
Pages 1-9 are the mystery challenge.
Answers are on Pages 10-12.
Today is our last bit of reading for the year. Choose one of the comprehensions below to have a go at. Hopefully you will learn some interesting new facts!
Option One - Sharks:
Easiest option - Text on P1-2, Questions on P3, Answers on P4
Middle option - Text on P5-6, Questions on P7-8, Answers on P9
Hardest option - Text on P10-12, Questions on P13-14, Answers on P15
Option Two - Penguins:
Easiest option - Text on P1-2, Questions on P3, Answers on P4
Middle option - Text on P5-6, Questions on P7-8, Answers on P9
Hardest option - Text on P10-11, Questions on P12-13, Answers on P14
The wordsearch is on Page 1 with the answers on Page 2.
Positivity Colouring
This afternoon you might like to choose one of the colouring activities from the link below. They are all positive quotes. You might like to put it up in your room somewhere to help keep you positive and smiling every day throughout the holidays