Mighty Writing
On Friday I sent home the below Mighty Writing which you can fill in today if you didn't feel well enough to do it over the weekend and then use this to write a letter pretending you are in London in 1666 experiencing the Great Fire.
You will also see below my example letter so you can see how I used the questions on the home learning sheet to help me.
I have also included a Sound mat and a Tricky Word mat to help you with your spellings, like you would have at school.
I look forward to reading your letters!
In maths, we have been learning about Multiplication. We have been learning to recognise, make and add equal groups. Last week, we learnt what the x symbol means.
Click below to see the 2 x table and practise reciting it out loud. Ask a grown up to test you!
For your learning today, you will need some apparatus (e.g. beads, pasta, lego bricks, straws, counters), a piece of paper and a pencil or a whiteboard and pen.
Work through the multiplication number sentences below, representing each one with apparatus, drawing pictures of equal groups and writing a repeated addition number sentence. Look at my example below to see how to present your work:
3 x 2 =
5 x 2 =
8 x 2 =
6 x 2 =
4 x 5 =
5 x 5 =
Extra challenge for Year 2s:
Year 1
Click on the video below for your phonics lesson. Today we will learn the new grapheme u-e.
Year 2
Last week, we were learning how the letter 'c' can sometimes make a soft 's' sound, like in the word 'pencil'. We looked at some words containing this sound and we found out that the letter 'c' is always followed with an 'e', 'i' or 'y'. Look at the Power Point below and work carefully through the slides. Practice reading and spelling the words on slide 15.