Good morning, today's question "Have you picked up at least 5 of the things you were using yesterday?"
Continue with planning your story. If you need any help, remember Mrs Sothcott and I are here. If you can't find the planning sheet don't worry, just plan your story on a piece of paper or even several pieces of paper.
You could also complete one of the phonics sheets from your home learning pack.
Today we are going to practice finding half and quarter. Click on the document below and print it off. Cut out each group of pictures and stick them into your maths book. Look carefully, does it ask you to find half (1/2) or quarter (1/4)? If you don’t have a printer, ask your grown up to draw some pictures in your maths book, circle half or quarter and label it with the correct fraction.
Today you are going to continue learning to recognise a half. Follow the link below (the same as yesterday. Look at Lesson 2 - Recognising a half. Watch the video again and then have a go at questions 6-8 on the worksheet. Don’t forget to use the answer sheet to mark your own work and see how you got on!
Chose any of these activities to help you think about the story:
- make an Easter garden, remembering to include the 3 crosses and the cave
- make a cross like the one on which Jesus died, from sticks you find outside
- paint or colour a picture to show which part of the story you think is the most important.