Practise your times tables using your flash cards or a computer game. You can then do your second times tables test for the week.
Year 3
Can I solve problems involving fractions?
Watch the video Summer Week 2 Lesson 3
The worksheet and challenge problems are saved below
Year 4
Can I convert fractions to decimals?
Watch the video for Summer Week 2 Lesson 2 Halves and quarters
The worksheet and challenge questions are saved below.
Spelling Can I spell words ending in the suffix ous?
Follow the instructions on the Powerpoint below. Put your answers to the Mystery Squares game in your writing book.
Can I identify the features of a non fiction fact page?
Read the information page about travel in Ancient Egypt. Then I would like you to identify all the features of a non-fiction report that you can find which are listed on the attached worksheet.
Finally, if you have time, add to the notes about the River Nile which you started yesterday.
Click on the Leprosy Mission website below. Then Click on the What is Leprosy - Read more button.
Read all about what Leprosy is and watch the video of how leprosy affects the body.
Answer the following Questions:
Why did Jesus touch and heal the leper?
Jesus showed His love in many amazing ways - we call these things miracles because normal humans could not do these things.
Why was it that Jesus could do these things?
Jesus taught His followers not to judge people by what they looked like or what other people said about them. Jesus accepted everyone and loved everyone. Remember from last week that Jesus chose Matthew the Tax collector to be his friend? Lots of people hated Tax collectors but Jesus asked him to be one of his disciples.
What kind of World did Jesus want?
Print off the picture of the world below and draw pictures and write words of what kind of people Jesus wanted us to be.
Make it colourful and email it to me addressing it to Mrs Lambert.
Follow the link below to take you to lesson 2 Music. Some of you have told me how much you enjoyed last week's lesson so I hope you have fun taking part today.