Good morning everyone,
I hope everyone is staying busy and getting outside as much as possible too. As I said before, I've been busy in the garden planting lots of seeds and will be carrying on with that today too. I'm lucky as I have a green house and quite a few propagators to do this. If you wanted to try a few seeds on a small scale, I came across the egg box method below which would sit on a window sill easily. Do keep your eye on the gallery as it is expanding daily as children send in photos of what they have been up to. Have fun today.
Letters and Sounds
Practise your sound cards.
Can you write ch, sh, th, ee, oa, oo -
Can you write feet, boat, soon, look
Practise writing the word like three times and the word play 3 times
Click on the link below to watch Alphablocks - ar phoneme
Read along with and listen to the story of the Shark in the Park.
Click on the links below and print off the ar fishing game and instructions. Let your child help you cut out the fish. Have fun catching fish with "ar" words on - who will win the most fish?
Choose one of the following sentences to write. Use your sound mat and word mat to help you. Remember to sound out each word. Try and start your sentence with a capital letter, finish with a full stop and leave a finger space between each word.
It is dark.
I like to play in the park.
I like to go to the park in the dark in my car and play on the swings.
Number Time
Have a go at day 4 of "What the Ladybird Heard". It would be a good idea if you ask your child to design some eggs or shapes for the game with repeating patterns. If your child repeatedly confuses two shapes, use those two shapes! We have recently been creating repeating patterns of 2 or 3 colours using beads and multilink, so it would be good to remind them of this and see if they can make some eggs with repeating patterns of 2, 3 or maybe 4 colour patterns - they could have straight lines, wavy lines, zigzags, circles that expand with repeating patterns, whatever takes their fancy. Guide them to start off with and then see if they can do some on their own. Most will enjoy playing the Kim's game more using what they have created and this is a good opportunity to encourage those who wouldn't normally choose to create in this way - using paints might be quicker and easier for some. Enjoy.
Watch the two Cbeebies Let's Celebrate videos to watch how a family celebrates at Easter time. There is also another animated version of the resurrection of Jesus if you want to watch it.
Things you could try:
- make your own Easter garden - think about what the little boy said about his and what things you could include in yours. I'll show a few pictures of the ones that were made last year with the buddies which everyone really enjoyed.
- Make your own flower covered cross - you could colour in a cross with flowers or perhaps use scrunched up coloured paper or fabrics to collage your own, or you might have daisies growing in the garden that you could use.
- Have a go at making Easter nests of your own with cornflakes, rice crispies or shreddies - you can use chocolate or golden syrup.