Good morning Class 2.
Today I am in school and guess what? I am going to try and cycle in. I have my new pink helmet ready, Mr Miller has done all of my safety checks and I have got my bravery button switched to maximum!
I am looking forward to seeing Miss Newton today as it has been nearly 2 months since I have seen her. I have seen all of the fabulous ideas she has given you for cooking and I hope she can give me some good tips on some new recipes to try.
At home Issy and Hayden have been working hard with their learning but we have had some fun too. This weeks challenge was to build the tallest card tower.Issy and Hayden both had different styles and it took a lot of patience.
Maybe you could try this at home too.
Enjoy your learning today
love Mrs Miller x
Today's question - Have you practised your spellings? They are on Monday's page.
Morning Job
Today is reading and understanding what you have read.
So far this week, we have been practising counting. Today you will be looking carefully at numbers and representing them in different ways.
Click on the Year 1 or Year 2 link below to find your lesson:
Now is your chance to be a real rain forest explorer. Choose one of the animals from these pages to research.
You have today and tomorrow's topic lessons to find out as much as you can about your animal. See if you can find out -
You can make notes however you would like, but you might find this next sheet helpful.