Here is today's active challenge - don't worry if you don't have a racket at home as there are different options you can try.
Today, I would like you to start by completing your Beat That challenge. If you're working from home, then you should have received this in an email. If you're working in school, then you will need to get this from your tray. If you haven't received one, email me and I will send it through. Give yourself 2 minutes to complete it. Let me know how you get on and if you have passed so I can send you a new one for next Thursday.
In today’s lesson, I would like you to consolidate your learning on Factors and Prime Numbers. You have four choices for your Maths learning today and you can work through one or more of the activities.
1. If you would like to do some extra work on finding factors of numbers, then work through the Oak Academy ‘Factor Pairs’ lesson below. This lesson shows you how you can create fun ‘factor bugs’ to help you identify the factors of a number. Watch the video, pausing to complete the tasks, then have a go at the quiz.
2. If you would like to do some extra work on prime numbers, then work through the Oak Academy ‘Prime Numbers’ lesson below. Don’t worry about the ‘Introductory Quiz’ as you haven’t completed the previous lesson on the Oak Academy set of lessons as we have been working from White Rose Maths instead. This lesson shows you how you can create fun ‘factor slugs’ to reinforce the fact that a prime number only has two factors: 1 and itself. Watch the video, pausing to complete the tasks, then have a go at the quiz.
3. If you feel confident with identifying prime numbers, then you could have a go at the Prime Numbers Investigations task below. This sheet has some different investigations for you to try and some theories for you to test out.
4. If you feel confident with identifying prime numbers, then you could have a go at the Prime Numbers Murder Mystery task below – I know how much you enjoy these activities! The activity is on Pages 1-3 with the answers on Pages 4-5.
Today, you are going to be working on your SPAG skills. Remember that SPAG stands for Spelling, Punctuation and Grammar.
Mrs Kimble is one of our school governors. She is a SPAG expert and loves teaching it. She is the one who writes your spelling sentences for you each week. Year 6's may remember that last year she set a SPAG challenge each week for you to work through and she is going to be doing this again this half term.
First, read through her message. Then read the help sheet carefully and complete the task. You can email me your work and I will send it on to her for her to check.
Topic - Geography
This afternoon, you are going to be doing some map work finding out where the Mayan Civilisation lived. Start by looking through the Powerpoint below.
Then explore the World Atlas website below - it's brilliant!
Find Central America on the world map and click on it.
Then you can see Central America in more detail. If you scroll down, then there are some interesting facts about this area. If you're wondering, the word 'isthmus' means a narrow strip of land which connects two larger pieces of land. This is clearly the case for Central America as it joins North and South America together which are huge pieces of land!
If you want to find out about any of the countries in more detail, then you can click on the country name and it will show you more with facts underneath.
Finally, complete the map worksheet. You need to use a key to colour in the different areas and countries on the map.
If you would like a challenge, then you could also try and label the surrounding seas/oceans and add on the capital cities of each country.
Watch the video below of Mrs Soley reading 'The Hero Twins' (she filmed this yesterday, so when she says 'tomorrow' it actually means today!).
Next work through the comprehension questions and then check your work.
There are three options:
Easiest: Text on P1, Questions on P2-3, Answers on P4-5
Middle: Text on P6-7, Questions on P8-9, Answers on P10-11
Hardest: Text on P12-13, Questions on P14-15, Answers on P16-17
*Mrs Soley read the text from the hardest option, but the others have the same storyline with just a simpler version of the story*