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Meet Our Governors

As Chair of Governors I am delighted to welcome you to the governors page of the website on behalf of our Board. We are all proud of our school, the tireless dedication and commitment of the staff and as governors, fully committed to making the school the best it can be. 
Please explore our page to find out more about the work that we do.  We are always keen to hear from anyone who has any questions or feedback and can be contacted through the school office. 
Kind Regards
Gemma Rainger - Chair of Governors 

Our Governing Body is a voluntary body of people who guide and support the strategic direction of the school. They are members of the school team and their contribution is critical to the running of our successful school.

Please find below details of how our Governing body is structured, who our governors are, their responsibilities, terms of appointment and any relevant business or pecuniary interests they may have.  Also detailed is their attendance at meetings and how we structure different committees.


Who Are Our Governors?


The instrument of government states that our governing body shall consist of:

  • 7 foundation governors 
  • 2 parent-elected governors
  • 1 local authority governor
  • 1 staff governor
  • 1 headteacher
  • 1 ex officio ie rector of St. Peter's Bishops Waltham/ Upham Benefice


Chair of Governors

Gemma Rainger (also a parent governor)


Vice Chair of Governors

Tammy Taylor (also a foundation governor)


Foundation Governors (Selected by The Diocese)

Reverend James Hunt

Cynthia Kimble

Vicky Gardner

Rosemary Bickle

Richard Lee


Local Authority Governor (Selected by the Local Authority)

Jayne Carrington


Parent Governors (Elected by Parents of the School)

Gemma Rainger

Joanna Smith


Staff Governor

Sally-Ann Bird



David Woolley


Clerk to Governors

Sarah Bettridge


Governors can be contacted via the school office:


Tel: 01489 860355



Details of Appointment, Terms of Office and Relevant Business/ Pecuniary Interests


The following table details individual governor's membership of committees, their duties, terms of office, pecuniary and business interests and governor category. 




Appointed by

Appointment Date


End Date

Committee Membership



Rosemary Bickle


Diocese of Portsmouth


4 yrs


FGB, Cur



Sally-Ann BirdStaff GovernorStaff12.03.244 yrs11.03.28FGB, Cur Upham Primary School staff

Jayne Carrington


Local Authority


4 yrs





Vicky Gardner


Diocese of Portsmouth


4 yrs


FGB, Res



Rev. James Hunt

Ex. Officio





FGB, Res, HTPM, Adm



Cynthia Kimble


Diocese of Portsmouth


4 yrs


FGB, HTPM, Res, Cur, Adm

Chair Curriculum


Richard Lee


Diocese of Portsmouth


4 yrs


FGB, Cur



Gemma Rainger




4 yrs


FGB, Res, Cur, Adm

Chair, Development & Training

Upham Primary School staff

Joanne Smith




4 yrs


FGB, Cur

Disadvantaged Children


Tammy Taylor


Diocese of Portsmouth


4 yrs


FGB, Res

Vice Chair, Safeguarding, Chair Resources


David Woolley

Ex. Officio





FGB, Res, Cur, Adm.


Upham Primary School Staff


FGB - Full Governing Body, Res - Resources & Personnel Committee, Cur - Curriculum Committee, HTPM - Headteacher's Performance Management Committee, Adm - Admissions Committee

Structure and Remit of The Governing Body and Committees

Every governor is able to attend our half termly Full Governing Body Meeting. The role of the governing body is a strategic one, its key functions are to:

  • Set the aims and objectives for the school
  • Set the policies for achieving those aims and objectives,
  • Set the targets for achieving those aims and objectives,
  • Monitor and evaluate the progress the school is making towards achievement of its aims and objectives,
  • Be a source of challenge and support to the headteacher (a critical friend).


Governors are also members of other committees, some meet regularly and others only when required. Here is an overview of the different committees, their scope of work and membership:


Resources Committee

Chair: Tammy Taylor

Membership: James Hunt, Vicky Gardner, Cynthia Kimble, Gemma Rainger, David Woolley

This committee meets half termly in order to oversee, direct and scrutinise all financial matters, to explore personnel management (all matters HR) and to oversee all matters connected with the site and the building maintenance and development, including health & safety. This committee sets and monitors the financial budget, including use of capital money.


Curriculum Committee

Chair: Cynthia Kimble

Membership: Rosemary Bickle, Jayne Carrington, Richard Lee, Gemma Rainger, Joanna Smith, Sally-Ann Bird & David Woolley (James Hunt is also invited to attend where matters have a spiritual or faith context).

The committee meets half-termly to oversee the educational and welfare provision provided by the school in all its work with parents, families and children. This includes the intent, implementation and impact of the curricular, monitoring aspects of school improvement, standards of achievement, development of the school's Christian distinctiveness, oversight of the school website, collective worship, provision for special educational needs, impact of pupil premium and sports funding, equality and engagement with parents.


Headteacher Performance Management Committee


Membership: Jayne Carrington, James Hunt, Cynthia Kimble

This committee meets initially in Autumn I term to complete the statutory performance management of the headteacher. This includes an invited professional, currently our Local Authority Leading Learning Partner,; Hampshire Primary Phase Inspector. Targets are set in the initial meeting and previous performance is reviewed and then a review meeting is arranged in the Spring and Summer Terms with just the school governors.


Admissions Committee

Chair: James Hunt

Membership: Gemma Rainger, Cynthia Kimble

This committee meets whenever required to discuss any changes required to our admission policy or procedures by changing guidance or as a result of delegation from full governors. In addition, the committee will meet in order to discuss an admission request from any parent which would take the year group above roll and decide whether to offer a place.


The school has a number of other committees which only meet if events determine that they need to.

Governance Documents

The following documents outline the key priorities and parameters of how our two key committees operate:
