Statutory Inspection of Anglican and Methodist Schools (SIAMs)
Every five years, The Church of England commissions an inspection of Church of England Schools. Our most recent visit took place on Wednesday 16 January 2019. We were the first school from across the Dioceses of Winchester and Portsmouth to be inspected under the new Church of England Framework (published 2018).
This visit explored how effectively our Christian vision is established and promoted in order for all children at the school, regardless of faith, to flourish. The visit also specifically looked at how effective Collective worship is and how children learn in RE.
Some key observations and judgements published in the report (below) include:
‘The Christian vision is lived out in the strength of relationships between pupils and adults.’
‘The school is a family where everyone is valued.’
‘Pupils are passionate about engaging in social action.’
‘Pupils have an informed and respectful understanding of Christianity and a range of religions and worldviews.’
‘A range of curriculum opportunities ... have been established.’
‘Raising aspirations in everyone as a learner is modelled.’
‘The views of pupils are much valued.’
‘Pupils feel ‘safe’ and ‘happy’ and overwhelmingly say that relationships are positive.’
‘Pupils speak with significant maturity about diversity. They express varied personal opinions, for example about faith, but are totally at one in their belief that everyone has the right to their opinion and in the importance of respecting and welcoming all.’
‘One parent commented, “The headteacher promised me that Upham School would value the dignity of my family and absolutely everything that the school does has kept to this promise. Thank you."’
‘Collective worship is a daily opportunity to better understand the Christian vision through exploring Bible stories and reflecting on local and world events.’
‘All interventions to support pupils’ achievement are focused and inclusive. Pupil progress is good.’