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Monday 8th February

Good Morning Class 2!

Hi Class 2,


Did you have a nice weekend? It was so cold! I kept looking out of the window to check for snow but I didn't see any. Maybe it will come today! I hope you had a good rest this weekend. Did you go outside? I took Finley and Lewis for a walk in the woods. Lewis got very muddy but he loved it! There is a photo of him below - his hair is a bit crazy because he had his woolly hat on and he needs a hair cut!

This is our last week of home learning before our half term break. I am looking forward to seeing lots of you tomorrow for our whole class story on Google Classroom at 2pm!

I hope you have a good day today. In school, we will be starting our day doing PE with Joe. The link is below if you want to join in too!


Love Mrs Sothcott x

Spot the difference

Google Classroom Timetable

Here is our Google Classroom Timetable for this week. Please check this carefully as timings for these sessions may be different to those of your previous sessions. There are two whole class story sessions this week.  Orangeyellow and red groups have guided reading sessions this week. Blue and green groups have their sessions after half term. We will share the timetable for the first week back after half term on Friday's page.


Here is the Mighty Writing I set you on Friday in case you missed it:
Today you are going to write a character description for one of the characters from the story Jack an the Beanstalk. Let's start by looking at two of the main characters from the story - Jack and the giant. Click on the Power Point below and then click on the adjectives to match them with each of these characters.

I would like you to think of some adjectives to describe your characters and then put these adjectives into sentences.

You need to describe what your character looks like and also how your character behaves.

Year 1s, you should write at least three sentences to describe your character. Year 2s, you should write at least 5 sentences. As an extra challenge, try and use a simile in your description.

Click on the video below to watch me write some sentences to describe the giant:

You can write on the lined template below or just on some paper you have at home. Remember to use lots of adjectives!

Tomorrow we will be editing and improving our character descriptions. You can also add a picture in the box tomorrow.

Remember to use your tricky word mat and your phonics sound mat to help you with your spellings!

10am Live Assembly with Mr Woolley



This week we are moving on to thinking about time. Year 1 and Year 2 will be doing slightly different things this week as time is very new to Year 1. Year 2 you will be building on what you already know.


Year 1:


Today I would like you to click on the below link which is a lesson on the months of the year.

Your task for today's lesson is below. Send us pictures of what you make! Enjoy!
Have a go at the extra task below if you would like to!

Year 2:


Today you will be revising what you know about o'clock times and half past times. We revised this a little bit last term so hopefully you will remember lots!


Have a look at the two PowerPoints below. One is about o'clock times and one is about half past times. There is then a lovely jigsaw activity for you to do and some problem solving for those of you who need an extra challenge.

At school we have little clocks to help us so I thought you might not have anything like this at home so I have found a clock template so that you can cut it out and make your own.


Let's start today by playing a game to practice recognising all of the Tricky Words we have learnt on Phonics Play. Click the link below and you will need to log in with Username: jan21 Password: home. Click on Tricky Word Trucks. Year 1s, play the game 3 times - first select Phase 3, then Phase 4, then Phase 5a. Year 2s, play the game 3 times - first select Phase 4, then Phase 5a, then Phase 5b.

Year 1:

Click on the video below for your phonics lesson. You are learning the sound 'tch' as in 'kitchen' today:

'tch' as in kitchen

Year 2:

A couple of weeks ago we learnt how to change verbs from the present to past tense by adding the -ed suffix. Let's practice that again by playing the game below. There are two games and I would like you to play Game 1. You will need a dice, two counters, a pencil and someone to play with!
Last Monday you had a go at a Phonics Activity Mat. Today we are going to have a go at another one. These mats help us to practice recognising the sounds we learnt last year and also to sound out and blend words.


There are lots of different options for your P.E this afternoon.  Choose one or even two of the activities below:

  • P.E with Joe
  • Cosmic Kids Yoga (follow the links below)
  • Bike ride/scoot/muddy walk
  • Hampshire Games Daily Challenge (see below)
  • Virtual Skipping Challenge

Orange Group Guided Reading

Orange group - log onto Google Classroom for your live Guided Reading session at 2pm with Mrs Sothcott. There is a link to the google login page on the main Class 2 remote learning page. Today we will be finishing reading 'Fun Festivals' so please have it open ready on Bug Club. See you then!

Story time with Mrs Miller

Here is one of my children's favourite stories from when they were little. I hope you like it too.

A squash and a squeeze story
