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Wednesday 25th March

Good morning children - I usually ask "Has everyone chosen their lunch?"  but today I am going to ask " Has everyone made their bed?"


Morning Job - Y1 practise your 2x table

                    Y2 practise your 2x and 5x tables

                    When you have practised check how many you get right using 



Get out the large A3 story planning sheet from your home learning pack. Completing this sheet is your English for today, tomorrow and Friday so you don't need to rush. You will be writing your own story like the Snail and the Whale by Julia Donaldson.


You need to choose 2 creatures, 1 large and 1 tiny and decide what adventures they are going to have together. 

If you prefer you could start by drawing the pictures and then do the writing. 


Lots of the English lessons and Mighty Writing you have done this term were planned to help you write this story. 


Here is my planning sheet, to give you some ideas.

Planning sheet



Year 1

Today we are moving onto using practical apparatus to find quarters. Click on the word document below and read the instructions carefully. You can click on the bar model document below and print it out to help you if you like. Remember, when you split a whole into quarters, there must be 4 equal parts!


Year 2


Follow the link below to the White Rose Year 2 page. Today you are going to have a go at Lesson 2 - Recognise a Half. First, watch the video and then download the worksheet.  I only want you to do questions 1-5 today. When you've finished, you can use the answer sheet to see how you got on!

Geography - we are continuing to learn about the weather in England. 

Keep a weather journal for 7 days and start from today. Look at the sky, is it cloudy, sunny or rainy? 

Feel the temperature, or better still use a thermometer to see how warm it is.

Record the information in a grid. Use this as a guide.

Wed 24th - am sunny  temp 7'c      lunch sunny temp 14'            evening cloudy  temp 10'            
Thur 25th            

