Can I spell words spelt with a y with a short i sound?
Click on the link below. Watch the video and complete the activities on the website.
Can I compare different versions of a story?
Watch the video I have recorded of a different version of the legend of Romulus and Remus. I have put a copy of the story for you to follow as I read it aloud. Try to print this out before you watch the video.
Think about these questions:
Which version of the story did you like the most? Explain why you liked this one better.
What things were the same in both versions?
Can you find 4 different things that happened in this version of the story.
Next I would like you to think about the punctuation used in the story to show when a character is speaking. Read some of the story aloud and try to use your voice to show when someone is speaking.
Next, choose a short section of the story and highlight the words that are spoken.
For example:
"There! There! Look, three ravens!" cried Remus. "The sacred birds of Jupiter!"
An acorn dropped from the claw of one bird and fell to earth. The brothers, however, were too busy arguing to notice where it fell.
"Seven ravens. There were seven not three," said Romulus.
Think about how inverted commas " " are used to go around the words that are spoken. We will do some more work on inverted commas in other lessons.