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Friday 3rd July


Today is Friday maths. There are 2 Dip and Pick cards below.

The Red one is questions involving length.

The Blue one is more challenging and involves money and data handling.

 Do as much as you can on the card you choose. Remember to start with the middle question. The questions get more difficult as you go up in order of the colours shown at the side.

The answers are also saved so you can mark your work.


Can I plan and write a short story ? 

Think about two versions of The Little Story that you have read and heard.

If you need to, re-watch and/or re-read the story (saved below)


You are going to make up a story for two of the characters that the Red Gold Dragon keeps in his golden heart.

  • Look again at pages 5 and 11 of the story.
  • Choose two of the characters from these pages.
  • Use the Story Planner saved below to capture your ideas for a short story featuring these characters  
  • Plan to include some direct speech between the characters in your story.



Write out your story in a special mini story book. The instructions for how to make this are saved below.

  • Use conjunctions to link ideas together in your sentences
  • Add some illustrations to your pages if you have time.


Go to Sport and Active learning to watch PE Dave's latest video and read what this week's challenge is.


Please ask someone at home to read out your spelling sentences for your test this week. Please mark these and practise any corrections.


Spellings sentences 26.6.20 Test 3.7.20

When he ate the meringue, the guest bit his tongue.

Unfortunately, the guard has seen through our disguise.

Although he was fatigued, my colleague had a dialogue with members of his team.



Here are your spelling sentences ready for next week: Please spend a little time practising these today. 

Spelling sentences 3.7.20 Test 10.7.20

We wrote a cheque to pay for the unique antique vase.

Outside the mosque, they played a game of croquet.

Beautiful bouquets were sold in the new boutique.
