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Monday 30th March

Good Morning Class 2!


How was your weekend? I spent the weekend playing in the garden with Finley and Lewis. We also painted a rainbow to put up in our window so everyone who walks past our house can see it:

Maybe you could make a rainbow for your house this week!

Thank you for your emails, it has been so lovely looking at all of your super learning. I really enjoyed reading your Mighty Writing, story plans and seeing photos of your RE work. Keep up the hard work this week! 

Love from Mrs Sothcott xx


Today's Mighty Writing is using your plan to write your story. I know from your emails that some of you have already started this, great! You can carry on writing, or , if you have finished the writing, you can start turning your story into a book. 

You had so many lovely ideas of how you could design your books, flaps, paintings, using felt tips or collages, do use them. Mrs Sothcott and I (and I think Miss Newton as well), would love to see what they look like when they are finished, please email us a copy. 

Here are some examples of books which other children have made, I hope they inspire you.



Year 1

Today I would like you to use what you have been learning about fractions to help you have a go at some challenges. Click on the link below to find some Bee Fraction Challenge cards. I only want you to try challenges 1-3 today as you will be carrying on with this tomorrow so don’t rush! You can print the challenges off, cut them out and stick them into your maths book one by one. Make sure you carry on using practical apparatus like beads or counters to help you! You could also use the bar models you used last week if you like. I would like you to draw a picture to show how you solved each one.

Year 2

This week we will continue using the White Rose fractions lessons to help us. Last week you learnt how to recognise a half. Today you will be learning to find half. Click on the link below and scroll down to find Lesson 3: Find a half.

First, watch the video and then click on the activity link to download the worksheet. Make sure you draw pictures to help you find the answers if you need to!


Last week you watched the Jessie and Friends clip about sharing pictures online. Today I would like you to watch the third and final video about playing games online. Click on the link below and scroll down to find Clip 3:

Now you have watched all three clips, I would like to make a poster about staying safe online. You could choose one of the videos or use all three to help you make your poster. Remember to make it very bright and colourful! You should include a written message on your poster about staying safe online and some pictures too. You can choose how to make your poster. You could use felt tip pens, pencils, paint, collage or the computer.  I would love to see all of your posters when they are finished so please ask your grown up to email me a picture!