In class, we have been learning to order and compare numbers using the language: more, less, greater than, less than. Now we are going to learn to order and compare numbers using some symbols. Click on the Power Point below to find out more:
Now it's your turn to have a go! You will need your own crocodile mouth. You can make your own at home or print out mine:
You will also need to print off the sheet below:
Year 1:
Choose some small objects at home to work with. You could use bricks, beads, pasta or anything else you can find! Take a small handful of objects and place them in one of the boxes on your sheet. Place another small handful of objects into the other box. Count how many objects are in each box. Which is the greatest amount? Which is the least? Can you place your crocodile mouth in the middle box to show which amount is the greatest? Remember, Charlie Crocodile likes to eat the greatest amounts or numbers. Repeat with another two groups of objects. Have a look at my example below:
Year 2:
You will need some 2-digit number cards. You can print off the set below and cut them up or make your own.
Shuffle your number cards and place them face down in front of you. Choose two cards and place them in each of the boxes on your sheet. Which is the greatest number? Which is the smallest? You might like to represent each number by drawing the tens and ones. That might help you to see which number is the greatest. Can you place your crocodile mouth in the middle box to show which number is the greatest? Remember, Charlie Crocodile likes to eat the greatest amounts or numbers. Repeat with another pair of numbers. Have a look at my example below:
Take a photo of your work and email it to our class email:
Today we are starting our new topic called Cauliflowers Fluffy, Cabbages Green. We will begin our topic by reading the story 'The Enormous Turnip'. You might have read it before. If you have it at home you might like to read your own book. If you don't please read the PowerPoint below.
Now you have read the story I would like you to have a go at ordering pictures from the story.
Year 1: Ask an adult to cut the pictures out for you if you need to or you can have a go at doing it yourself. Ask an adult to shuffle them for you to make it trickier! Then see if you can put your pictures in the correct order. Take a picture and send it to me if you are able to and would like to.
Year 2: Cut out the pictures from the story and give them a shuffle. Put them in the correct order. When you are happy they are in the right order stick them on some paper leaving space to write a sentence underneath. Then I would like you to write a sentence to go with each picture. Only spend 20-30 minutes doing this. If you don't finish this today you can carry on with it tomorrow.
Today you can carry on with your phonics booklets from last week. I have attached them again below in case you missed them last week. You might also like to try some of the games on Year 1 you can do phase 2 or the sounds you know from phase 3. Year 2 you can do phase 3 or phase 5. Enjoy!
Year 1
Click on the link below to practice your letter sounds:
Now have a go at some of the activities in one of the booklets below:
Year 2:
Click on the Power Points below to practice your sounds and reading tricky words:
Now have a go at some of the activities in one of the booklets below:
In school, we are learning how to log onto laptops and select a programme. Do you know how to turn on your laptop, computer, or tablet at home? Once you are on, follow these steps to log onto Bug Club:
1. Open up the Internet - Google Chrome, Microsoft Edge, Safari, Internet Explorer
2. Search 'Bug Club' and click on the one that says Active Learn: Log In
3. To log in, your user name is your first name initial followed by your surname e.g. jsothcott. Your password is class2 and the school code is h9m6. We have allocated books to match the colour band books you are reading in school and bringing home. To find new books, click on the 'My Stuff' tab.
Spend at least 20 minutes reading. Remember to look out for the Bugs hiding inside the books. When you see a Bug, click on it and answer the comprehension question. When you finish a book, it will move into your 'Library' section. You can go back and reread the books in your library at any time.
When you have run out of new books in the 'My Stuff' section, please let us know so we can allocate you more books.