Good morning everyone,
It is another gorgeous day !
Yesterday evening, I met a friend of mine for a walk. After cycling to school and back, doing a Miss Olver workout at school and walking around the village at lunchtime, I was feeling a little tired. My friend is working from home and had been sat down all day I think, so we set off at pace! We had a really lovely walk and chat for over an hour and a half across fields and woods near Hedge End and out to Manor Farm and back. I hadn't had my tea either!! Luckily it was Elliot's turn to cook and I returned at 9 to some homemade pizza kept warm in the oven!
Today I cycled in again with Mrs Miller. It was as eventful as yesterday I think. On one corner, there was a little dog running down the road, I swerved to avoid it to nearly come head on with another cyclist! Later along the lane, a pheasant went to dive out in front of me. Luckily, it made a last minute decision to u-turn into the hedge! Finally, on Upham Street a peacock appeared on the wall as I went past! Anyway, I am here in one piece! Hopefully I will have an easy cycle home later!
I hope you all have a lovely day.