Don't forget to start your day with your skipping challenge. How many skips can you do in 1 minute today? Record your score on your tracker.
Today's PE challenge involves your hands and a ball - you can do it at an easy level with rolling, or you can challenge yourself to do it as a throwing activity.
Start by completing your Beat That challenge. If you don't have one, email me and I will send one over to you. Give yourself 2 minutes to complete it. Let me know how you get on so I can update my tracker and send you a new one if you've passed ready for after half term. Good luck!
Today is Thursday, which means it is SPAG challenge day. First, read the message from Mrs Kimble.
As it is the last SPAG challenge of this half term, Mrs Kimble has created a comma challenge which works on all the uses of commas you have been working on recently. She has called it her 'Chocolate Comma Challenge' as all the sentences are themed on chocolate and have missing commas!
I've attached all of her previous help sheets about how to use commas in case you want to refresh your mind.
Remember to send me your completed challenge so I can send it over to her for marking.
At 2.45pm, Mrs Soley will be doing a live reading session. She would like you to do a task now so you can bring it with you to the session and share it with the class.
Today's story is all about chocolate. She would like you to design your own Mayan-themed chocolate bar. Think about whether it is plain chocolate or is there something inside it? What shape will your chocolate bar be? What will it be wrapped in? What colours/designs will you use?
Here is the one she has designed:
2.45pm Reading Live with Mrs Soley
At 2.45pm, join the Google Classroom link where Mrs Soley will be reading you a story called The Chocolate Tree. Remember to bring your chocolate bar design with you as we will be sharing these during the session.