Good morning Class Four,
I hope you all had a good day yesterday with your home learning and are looking forward to writing your germ leaflets today. You've also got a lovely art activity today which Mrs Soley has planned for you. You might want to have a look at the instructions for this first thing as you might want to do it in stages throughout the day to allow the paint to dry between layers. Please don't worry if you don't have watercolour paints at home, you could use any kinds of paints or draw using pens/pencils.
I wrote my Monday message to you on Sunday evening just before I sat down to do a quiz with my Mum and her side of the family. I normally go upstairs and sit at my desk, but Flash and Fred were unusually cuddly so I decided to sit on the sofa and do it instead. Flash wasn't much help as you can see from the photo - but Fred was very helpful and sat on the laptop pressing the keys and turning my video on/off and closing down Zoom at regular points!!! It was a bit of a strange quiz - my Mum was in charge this week and the round we are doing in the photo is the 'egg' round. Each type of egg was named after a famous person and we had to guess which person it was named after and which ingredients were in it (without the photos - that was just for the answers!). Needless to say, I didn't do very well in that round.
Have a lovely day, keep working hard.
Love Miss Olver x
It’s Tuesday today, which means Times Tables test day! All of the times tables tests and grids are available on the Maths Help section on the Class Four website. Go on there and find the one you need to work through today. Give yourself 5 minutes to complete the test. All the answers are also in the Maths Help section so you can mark it yourself once you are finished.
Year 5
Today you are going to be continuing with your work on from yesterday. Go to the White Rose Maths Home Learning Year 5 website and find Summer Term Week 6, Lesson 1 which is called ‘Multiply Unit and Non-Unit Fractions by Integers’. Today I want you to focus on multiplying non-unit fractions by integers. Watch the second part of the video today starting from 5:10. Today I want you to work through Pages 3 and 4 of the worksheet (as you should have completed Pages 1 and 2 yesterday!). I have attached the answers so you can check your work.
Year 6
Today you are going to be starting a new unit of Maths work which is based on rules, sequences and a bit of algebra (my favourite area of Maths!). Go to the White Rose Maths Home Learning Year 6 website and find Summer Term Week 7, Lesson 1 which is called ‘Finding a Rule’. Watch the video and then complete the worksheet. I have attached the answers so you can check your work. I’ve attached a document showing my workings for Question 7 in case you need some help with this one.
Make sure you make an entry into your diary/journal at some point today.
Yesterday, you planned your silent writing for today. Hopefully you have lots of good ideas on your plan to help you write it today. The purpose of a leaflet is to inform your reader. Your leaflet should be informing your reader about two important things:
1. What germs are (the four different types of germs, the types of illnesses they can cause)
2. How to stay safe from bad germs (the different things you can do to keep safe: hand washing, cleaning, wearing masks, social distancing...)
Before you start writing today, think about how you will layout and organise your work. Will it be a poster? Or a brochure/leaflet?
As always, you can choose if you write it by hand or on a computer. If you are writing it by hand, will you fold the paper up into a leaflet first or just do it as a poster? If you are doing it on a computer, you might want to use Publisher (if you have it at home), as this can set the page up as a leaflet/booklet for you.
Don't rush your writing today as you will have time to finish, check and edit it tomorrow.
Mrs Soley has planned a lovely art activity for you this afternoon based on your RE work from yesterday. Enjoy
Spellings and Reading
Make sure you practise your spellings ready for your test on Friday and do some independent reading of your choice.