Good morning everyone.
How are we all today? It's the last day of the term today so let's put in that extra bit of effort and then you have a whole week of home time. If you haven't had a chance to write your silly sentence, see if you can give it a go today. Remember, your adult can help you make one up and so many of the words you can just copy down off the snail game board. Have a look in the Gallery as both Paige and Charlie have sent in their silly sentences. Also we have another class member who has lost a tooth and was very excited about the tooth fairy visiting. I checked my carrots today and there is the first teeny weeny shoot coming out of the top of a couple of them (you need to click on each picture to make the picture go big to see them because they are so small). I must say that I do wonder if my carrot tops are going to do much more than this because they are turning a horrible grey colour in places and do not look the picture of health. However, I will persevere as we never give up in Class 1! Has anyone else had any luck with their carrots? If you haven't tried, you could always set some off over the half term. I went out in the garden quickly this morning to take a photo of one of my leeks (and I felt a few drops of rain - boo!). Now I started growing this leek over a year ago and we never got round to pulling it up and eating it. So it has sent up a very long stem from the centre of the leek with a big pom pom on the top which is the seed head where, hopefully, we will be able to collect some leek seeds from. I'll keep you updated on how that goes. I've downloaded the worm song for the Superworm maths lesson that you might want to listen to and sing along with. As it is half term next week, there won't be any daily lessons. However, there is a nice game on the computer you could play called "Teach your Monster to Read" which is free to download onto laptops and PCs. Theo has given it a go and had a lot of fun for quite a while. I will also put some things up daily on the website for you to have a go at if you want to. Have a lovely break everyone.
Letters and Sounds
Practise your sound cards using the powerpoint below.
Number Time
Watch Wk 5, Friday Oak Academy maths video which is all about patterns and ordinal numbers.
Dave has put up a new video in the Sport and Keeping Active Home Learning section. It's all about challenges using a ball - give it a go and see if you are better than other members of your family.
He has also put up a new weekly challenge of carrying out all the previous weekly challenges and seeing how your scores now compare to your previous scores - give it a go and challenge yourself.