We have uploaded some videos to tell you a little bit about ourselves. We hope you enjoy watching them!
To help us get to know you, we would like you to draw and colour in a picture of yourself. You might like to draw a picture of you doing your favourite hobby, it's up to you!
Year R children we would like you to write your name underneath your picture. If you are up for a challenge you might like to write one sentence about yourself!
Year 1 children we would like you to write two or three sentences about yourself.
You can use any paper you like so you might like to use coloured paper. We will then make a display for our classroom with all of your wonderful work, ready for September. When you come into the classroom on your first day back, you could see if you can spot your picture!
Have a look at my examples for some ideas.
When you have finished, please email your picture to our class email address:
Have fun!
Love Mrs Pilgrim, Mrs Sothcott, Miss Newton and Mrs Miller