Good Morning Class 2!
How was your weekend? I spent most of the weekend outside in the sunshine. I took Finely and Lewis to the park for the first time for months! They had such a fun time. I hope you had a lovely weekend too. I look forward to hearing from you all this week. I love hearing all about what you have been getting up to!
Love Mrs Sothcott
Morning Job
Good morning Class 2,
Here are your morning jobs for today.
Today in Mighty Writing you will be using your planning sheet to write up your dream holiday design. Remember to include lots of exciting adjectives to describe your holiday.
Year 1: Can you extend some of your sentences with the conjunctions and and because?
Year 2: Can you extend some of your sentences with the conjunctions and, so, when, but, if, although and because?
I look forward to reading all about your holidays!
This week we are all learning to measure time.
Today we are going to finish and assemble our Lowry city collage. Last week in school, we didn’t finish drawing and colouring our matchstick people so we are going to start by finishing that job. If you managed to finish last week, you could draw and colour some more. Lowry’s pictures are quite busy and full of crowds of people. The next job is to cut out your buildings and people. Look at the PowerPoint below. It gives lots of information about using scissors safely and about assembling your collage. I am very much looking forward to seeing your finished collages! Please email me a picture when it is finished and I will print it out to display in the classroom.