Good morning class 1,
Wasn't it a blowy day yesterday - I nearly got blown away. However, it was lovely and bright and so Mr Mason and I went for a lovely long walk through woodland and footpaths in our local area that we hadn't walked before. We have our first special object writing sent through and I've put it in a new gallery for you to take a look at. There are also other photos in the main gallery too. I'm off to school today with Mrs Lambert and as well as being with the children of key workers, I will also be continuing with the cleaning of the toys and the reorganising of our classroom.
Have a good day everyone.
Letters and Sounds
Go to Phonics Play website and choose Flash Card Speed Trials to practise your phonemes. If you click on "Start" and then "Pick individual graphemes" (graphemes are letter(s) to reprepresent a sound), you can practise the ones that you feel your child is less confident with (and throw in a few which you know (s)he does know too).
Our Words of the week this week are were, here, there. These really are tricky to read, let alone spell. Let's start today with reading them on flash cards. Then, put all three words next to each other and ask your child what is the same about each word and what is different. Write each word out 3 times on to individual pieces of paper, place them face down and play pairs, making sure each word is read and said as it is turned over.
Today we are going to read words that have two letters before the vowel. Let's remind ourselves what a vowel is - watch the alphablocks clip below.
Finally, choose one of the sentences to write.
I can clap.
I can clap and flap with my hands.
The slug cannot clap or flap as he has no hands.
Number Time
Carry out the Week 4, Lesson 2 Oak Academy maths lesson on ordering numbers up to 20.
Click on the link below to undertake the day 2 activities of the Very Clever Spider. Today it is all about taking away. Children can use counters to count out the amount and then practically take them away and they can check by counting backwards on a number line. Also, if your child is coping very well with those ways, try putting the number in your head and counting back the amount (much trickier counting backwards from random numbers than forwards, but your child can copy and mimic you if you do it and repeat it together).
Farm Learning
Farms don't only look after animals to provide food for people. They also produce food, such as fruit, vegetables and grain, that is grown in fields, on trees, on vines and on bushes. This has to be harvested and/or picked at the time when the plants have grown to just the right stage. Again, large machines do a lot of the work on the farm and then the harvested food is transported to another place, such as a factory or warehouse, to be packaged, processed and transported on to further destinations. Watch the 10 minute Beebright video which shows how wheat is harvested and then another 6 minute video which shows how potatoes are harvested - all with very big farm machines. The third video is 3 minutes long and shows how wheat, milk and potatoes produced on farms are then taken to factories and put in a variety of clever machines and conveyor belts to produce different foods we buy at the shops such as bread, crisps and milk in bottles. Have a look in you house and see what foods you can find in your cupboards, fridge and freezer which are made from potatoes wheat and milk.