Start the lesson by doing your board calculations. Choose green or blue as you usually do. Remember to mark your work when you have finished and if you have got any wrong, see if you can find out where the mistakes are.
Sorry Class 3 I am having a bad day today ! There are 2 mistakes on the board calculations.
The addition answer on the blue addition is 10242.
The division answer on the green divsion is 37
I must check my answers more carefully! Thank you to Austen and Steph who spotted the errors and let me know.
Year 3
Can I subtract fractions?
Please watch the White Rose video Summer Week 2 Lesson 2
The worksheet is saved below along with a challenge sheet if you want to do it.
Year 4
Can I round decimal numbers?
Watch the video for Summer Week 2 Lesson 1 Round decimals
Do as much as you can on the worksheet saved.
Try the challenge as well if you want to.
Grammar task
Can I identify and use prepositions?
Watch the 2 videos on bbc bitesize to understand prepositions. Activity 1 is to practise identifying the prepositions in the sentence. When you have done this, try the worksheet saved below. If you want an extra challenge, try writing your own sentences using one or more different prepositions in each.
Can I make notes from non-fiction texts?
I would like you to read the information texts about the River Nile saved below. Your written task for later this week is to make a fact page about the River Nile. You already should know quite a lot from the topic work you have done earlier in the week.
When you have read the text, make notes about the new key facts that you have learnt. Remember, when you are making notes, you just have to write key facts. These doesn't need to be in full sentences. The notes will be used to help you write your fact page.
Topic (DT)
With the work you have already done, learning about the River Nile, I hope you have already found out a little bit about the shaduf. There is an explanation about what a shaduf is for you to read if not.
Your task this afternoon is to design and make a shaduf with whatever materials you have at home. I have attached some instructions if you need some ideas. One idea is to make it with lego, another is to use sticks and playdough. You might have a better idea.
I'd love to see a picture of your model when it is finished.
Times table practice
Spend some time learning your times tables. You can use flash cards or a computer program. I have found a new website so you might like to take a look