Letters and Sounds
Practise your sounds by playing 'Flash Cards Speed Trials' on PhonicsPlay. Choose the sounds you need to practise.
User name: jan21
Password: home
Practise writing another 2 lines left on your h sheet, remember to start at the top of the horses head, go down to his hooves and back up over his back and down his legs. Then we are going on to the letter m. Again start at the top by Maisie's head, go down Maisie and then back up and over both the mountains. Have a go at doing both letters on your own afterwards. Adults, please put a dot at the top of the letters so children know where to start. You will need to print off page 38.
Number Time
Watch the Number Blocks number 6 song.
Story Telling - Bat Learns to Dance
First we are clapping the syllables in different mini beast names. Then it is time to mime out the new story with Adam - join in and have fun. At the end, you get another chance to join in with the minibeast song.
Different birds have different bird songs. Take a look and listen at a few of the birds on the video below and see if you recognise any. Maybe you could go outside and see if you can see and hear any in your garden.
Cooking with Miss Newton
Hello Everyone,
Today we are going to make rainbow spaghetti. You will need 200g of spaghetti and different food colouring. You will need a few bowls, a bowl for each colour you are planning to make.
Before we get started you will need to cook your pasta or spaghetti according to the instructions on the packet. Once you have cooked this you are ready to begin watching the video.
Please watch below to see how we are going to make our rainbow spaghetti. I hope you enjoy making it and I look forward to seeing your creations.
Love from
Miss Newton
Bug Club
Spend a few minutes reading on Bug Club.