Hi Class Four and Happy Monday,
I hope you all had a fantastic weekend and enjoyed being able to go out a bit more in the sunshine. I can't quite believe that this is the last week of home learning for this half term as next week is the half term holidays so I won't be putting any learning up.
I had a lovely weekend. On Friday when I got home from school I cooked some coconut and cherry cupcakes which were delicious. Then I sat down and Fred came and had a lovely snuggle - I think he'd missed me as I'd been away all day.
On Saturday I went for my normal long walk and delivered cakes to Mrs Pilgrim, Mrs Steele and Mrs Soley then spent the rest of the day painting, I'm doing the horrible gloss painting now, but it does look better already. In the evening I fancied doing some more baking. I found a recipe online to make a pudding in the slow cooker. It was so easy, you just put all the ingredients into a bowl and mixed together, put it in a pudding basin surrounded by boiling water in the slow cooker and just left it for 3 hours. It was delicious with some custard on for my evening treat. On Sunday I went for a lovely long run (10 miles) round the River Itchen and Stoke Park Woods - two of my favourite places to run around, then did more painting in the afternoon. In the evening I had a family quiz with all my Mum's side of the family. I don't know if I mentioned last week, but we did one for the first time last Sunday and I lost badly, so I had to write the whole quiz for last night! I did an animal round, a maths round and a music round. It was good fun.
Thank you to everyone who sent me emails last week. Your topic work and myths were fantastic. If you forgot or had email troubles, please can you try and send me one today.
Thinking ahead to this coming week, this week when you email, I would like you to send me:
Have a great day and keep working hard, love Miss Olver x
Here is a message from Mrs Soley:
Happy Monday class 4,
I hope you are all well and enjoyed your weekend. I wonder what you got up to.
On Friday evening, on my way to collect my shopping, I stopped off at a lady’s house in Lower Upham. Unbelievably, she was the lady who had organised the masks and wash bags for the NHS that I have been making. I discovered on Friday morning that she lived there when I offered to drop off the finished masks. What a small world! She was very happy to receive them when I left them on her doorstep and stepped back. I also attached a chocolate to each mask as a little treat and a thank you to whoever was going to receive the mask. I hope it makes them smile.
On Saturday, Mr Soley and I decided we would go on a longer walk than we had been doing as the Government had said we could spend more time outside. The sun was shining and we were keen to stretch our legs, especially Mr Soley who has been working from home and sits at a desk each day. We donned our walking boots and headed through Eastleigh into Bishopstoke and on up into Stoke Park Woods – one of Miss Olver’s favourite dog walking sites. We walked along the main road at first and then cut in by The Hub to follow the Itchen Navigation which was nice although the paths are quite narrow so had to stop a few times to let others pass. We walked up into the woods and saw a few other walkers and families with younger children. It was quite busy but the paths are nice and wide and everyone was being very courteous about giving way if people wanted to walk a bit faster. I like to walk quickly to get my heart rate up and have a bit of a workout at the same time. It was lovely walking through the woods in the dappled shade and then into full sun, not too hot thankfully. We stopped for a snack on the way back out and made our way back home. We found another route alongside the river and so we did not have to walk next to the main road. Again, the paths were narrow but people were sensible and moved over if needed. It was a very enjoyable morning and I think we were out for about two and a half hours altogether. Must admit though, felt a bit achy on Sunday but it soon passed once I was moving around and of course, after my PE lesson with Joe.
Later on Saturday, I thought I would try making some flavoured hummus as we had enjoyed the plain one that I’d made before. This time I roasted some peppers and chopped them up before adding to the blender. I have to say, it’s even better than the first one. I googled a couple of other recipes and added a teaspoon of cumin to the original recipe. Yum!
I hope you enjoy your home learning this week, I know Miss Olver has a nice surprise for you based around our Greek topic. Don’t forget, toilet roll tubes needed for tomorrow.
Best wishes.
Mrs Soley xx
Year 5
Today you are going to be continuing with your work on decimals. Go to the White Rose Maths Home Learning Year 5 website and find Summer Term Week 3, Lesson 4 which is called ‘Calculate Perimeter’. Watch the video and work through the worksheet. I have attached the answers so you can check your work. I have added a document showing my workings for Question 7 in case you need some help with this one.
If you have time, or want an extra challenge, have a go at the perimeter worded problems sheet below. It is quite tricky, so don’t worry if you find it hard!
Year 6
Today you are going to be working on a new topic. Go to the White Rose Maths Home Learning Year 6 website and find Summer Term Week 5, Lesson 1 which is called ‘Multiply and Divide by 10, 100 and 1000’. Watch the video to help you understand how to do this. Today, I just want you to work on multiplying by 10, 100 and 1000 so I want you to complete pages 1 and 2 of the worksheet (we will do pages 3 and 4 tomorrow). I have attached the answers so you can check your work.
If you have time, or want an extra challenge, have a look at the multiply and divide by 10, 100 and 1000 activity booklet below. Choose one of the activities to try today. You could try another one tomorrow.
Remember to write an entry in your diary/journal at some point today.
For your silent writing task this week, I would like you to write a scene for a play based on a Greek myth. It could be a real myth that we have explored together (Medusa, Athena and Arachne, Theseus and the Minotaur, Pandora’s Box), another Greek myth you have read on your own or the Greek myth you wrote last week.
Tomorrow afternoon, for your art session with Mrs Soley, you will be making puppets for the characters in your play script. Then on Wednesday afternoon you will be doing a performance of the play using your theatre and puppets – I will give you more instructions for this activity on Wednesday.
We don’t write many play scripts in school, so you might not be as confident with this genre of writing as some of the others we do more often. You have seen lots of play scripts though as we always use them for the Christmas and Summer plays. I have included a Powerpoint below which might give you some tips if you’re a bit unsure.
Today I want you to plan your writing on the planning sheet, tomorrow you will be writing the play script, then Wednesday editing and improving as normal before your performance in the afternoon. Remember that you only need to write one scene for your play (obviously you can write more if you would like!).
Miss Kimber has planned another session of French for you today based on ‘Ma Maison’. It is the final lesson in the unit and looks great. Enjoy
Spellings and Reading
Mrs Kimble has written some more spelling sentences for you based on words which have a prefix ending with a vowel and a root word starting in a vowel so needing hyphens. Start practising your sentences today ready for your test on Friday.
Also remember to do some independent reading of a book of your choice - you could always read some of the Greek myths up on the website, I added some more which Class Four have written over the weekend.