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Monday 20th April

Welcome back to the summer term! Everybody excited? 

Good Morning Class 2!

I hope you had a nice relaxing Easter break. Did you do any nice Easter crafts or baking? 

I am starting the today with PE with Joe. Don't forget to have a look at the Keeping Active section of our website to find out what Sports Dave has been up to.

Our topic for this half term is called Rainforest Explorers! We will be researching the Amazon Rainforest and finding out about the animals that live there. We will learn about how different habitats are suited to different animals. We will also look at the habitats around where we live and the animals that live there.

I am looking forward to hearing from you all this week and finding out what you have been up to!

Love from Mrs Sothcott


Mighty Writing 


For this week you have a choice, you could write about -

a) Something exciting you did, or that happened in the holidays

b) An Easter story, perhaps including the Easter bunny

c) Re-tell a traditional tale, eg The Elves and the Shoemaker or Snow White


Write in three sections - a beginning, a middle and an end. 


Write for about 20 minutes and  finish it tomorrow if you need to.


We are starting a new maths topic this week: Measure. This week we will be measuring length and height. I would like you to start by watch this video. It is a silly song! It will introduce you to some of the language that we use when we are measuring length and height:


Year 1

Can you have a look around you house or garden and find some objects that are shorter or taller/longer than you?

Click on the link below and print off the table. Record each of the objects you find by writing them on the table in the correct column. If you don't have a printer, you could try drawing your own table in your maths book.

Year 2

Start by watching the PowerPoint below. It will help you remember how we measure objects accurately:

Now look around your house or garden and find some objects that are longer or shorter than 30cm. If you do not have a ruler, you could make your own measuring stick using Lego bricks or beads threaded onto string. Estimate how long you think each object will be and then check. Click on the link below and print off the table. If you do not have a printer, you could draw your own! Record each object you measure onto the table in the correct column. Is it longer or shorter than 30cm?


I would like you to do an observational drawing of something natural in your garden. If it is a wet day today, you could wait until the sun comes out another day! Take a sharp pencil and a piece of plain paper outside. You could use the red book that is in your home school pack. Find somewhere comfortable to sit. Look around you. What things can you see that are natural and what can you see that is man-made (put there by people)? Choose something natural; for example, a tree, shrub or flower.  Look at it carefully and think about the shape. Draw the thing you have chosen carefully. Try to fill your whole page. Remember to keep looking back at the thing you are drawing. When you have finished, look closer. Have you drawn every detail? Can you add anything else? You could choose something else to draw if you like!
