Our school has a very straightforward uniform. Our school is highly regarded by the community and we are proud of the identity our uniform provides:
A bag is needed in which to keep the above items. Please help us to find the owners of lost property by labelling clothing and PE kit.
In wet weather parents are asked to see that their child has alternative footwear to change into. This avoids a child having to be in damp footwear and prevents damage to carpeting.
Parents are not required to purchase branded uniform and can therefore choose from any retailer, who stock the relevant colours. This allows parents to choose the most inexpensive options available.
In addition, our PTA group (FUS) also gather good quality seconds and regularly make this available to parents, such as at fundraising events or periodically at home time.
If parents have specific requests and needs they are welcome to ask in the office and we can check what we can provide.
During the evening meeting our new Year R parents are invited to in July, we provide further details, including lots of good quality seconds which have been donated as children have grown out of them.
Parents may find the following non-branded overview useful. Governors produced this in May for a review of uniform provision and parents may find it useful as a guide to cheaper alternatives to the branded.
During the Summer Term 2022, Governors of Upham School undertook a review of the suitability of our uniform provision and how available this is from our current supplier. As part of this review Jayne Carrington (governor) gathered views of stakeholders regarding quality, availability through supplier, availability of non-branded and value for money. The findings were: