Good Morning Class Four!
Hope you are all well and still enjoying the home learning. It is starting to feel very end-of-termy (if that's a phrase!) as we start doing the 'last one' of each thing. Today is your last Wednesday of learning before the Summer holidays and your last SPAG challenge from Mrs Kimble.
I hope you are enjoying writing your stories. I know the children in school are and I'm really looking forward to reading them once you have finished and are able to send them in. I'm hoping I can put them up on the website so you can read each others
I'm a little achy this morning. Monday I cycled to school and then in the evening went for a run with Mrs Pilgrim, her sister and Mrs Steele. Then yesterday, I cycled to school again and then cycled to kickboxing in the evening. I've just cycled in again and my legs are definitely feeling it today! We've also been doing PE with Joe every day too! I wonder what exercise you have been doing? Hopefully you are finding some fun ways to keep yourselves fit and healthy too.
Have a great day, keep working hard - you are so close to the Summer holidays when you can have a nice long break from your learning. Love Miss Olver x
Today is Wednesday, which means Beat That challenges. If you still have one left, work through this. If you have run out, send me an email telling me which one you need and I will email it to you. Give yourself two minutes to complete the challenge. Then, if an adult is free, you could ask them to kindly mark it for you, or you could mark it yourself using a calculator.
Year 5
Today you are going to be working on time. Go to the White Rose Home Learning Year 5 website and choose Week 12, Lesson 3 which is called 'Converting Units of Time'. Watch the video, work through the worksheet and check your answers. I have included a document showing my workings for some of the questions in case you want to see how I worked it out.
Year 6
Today you are going to be working on pie charts. Go to the White Rose Home Learning Year 6 website, choose Week 12, Lesson 3 which is called 'Read and Interpret Pie Charts'. Watch the video, work through the worksheet and then check your answers. I've included a document showing my answers for each question in case you want to see how I worked it out.
I hope you are enjoying writing your story. I know that stories can take a long time to write. So use this session to continue writing your story. This afternoon and tomorrow afternoon you will have time to finish writing and then illustrate your stories. I can't wait to read them!
As it is Wednesday, Mrs Kimble has set you another SPAG challenge. Read through her help sheet first and then have a go at the activity. Remember to send me your work and I will forward it onto her and she can send you some feedback about it.
Here is a message from her:
Hello Class Four,
Well, here we are: the last SPAG Challenge of the year. I can’t quite believe we’ve been doing these Challenges for nearly five months now. I will really miss seeing all your work every week.
Along with some of the easing of Lockdown, it has made me think of all the things Mr. Kimble and I might never have done if we hadn’t been in Lockdown. Way back in March and April, Mr. Kimble did lots of painting: the extension walls and three porches and he rebuilt the wall at the back of the garden. Then there is the vegetable patch. I have recorded its development in photographs all the way from digging it over and composting it to now, when we’re eating all the delicious vegetables. It’s never been as good as this in all the years he’s been growing vegetables. My flower beds have never been so well tended and I’ve done so much interesting cooking and baking; we will probably bake most of our own bread from now on; it’s so much nicer than bought bread.
One surprising thing which has grown out of Lockdown is our International Zoom once a fortnight with three couples we were at University with over fifty years ago. One couple live in Canada, one in Dublin and one in Hull. We all got together for a reunion in September last year. Mr. Kimble and I had not seen the couple from Canada and the couple from Hull since we left University but we all got on as well as if we had only seen each other a few months ago. At the beginning of Lockdown, we emailed a few times and then agreed to set up a Zoom chat and we’ve Zoomed every fortnight since then with nonstop chat. It’s been very interesting to find out how Lockdown is working in Canada and the Republic of Ireland. We’re hoping to physically meet again in Paris next May if all is well. What a lovely renewal of friendship!
One of the things I personally have enjoyed the most is my weekly SPAG Challenge with all of you and seeing the amazing work you have been doing over the last months. I really will miss it. Mr. Kimble and I would both like to congratulate youl on what you have achieved so look at the picture . High fives to you all!
Love from Mrs. Kimble
Story Time
Use your time this afternoon to finish writing your story. Check, edit and improve it and then start your illustrations. You will have time to finish your illustrations tomorrow afternoon.
Spellings and Reading
Make sure you practise your spellings at some point today ready for your test on Friday and do some independent reading of your choice.