Good morning Class Four,
I hope you are all having a good week and enjoying your home learning still.
Last night I took Flash for a walk around the block and looked up to see these two cats sat in the windowsill of one of the flats quite high up watching us! They sat and stared at us the whole time we were in view!
I did Zoom Pilates last night which was lovely, lots of strength work and stretching, a good relaxation session and no falling asleep this time. Afterwards I went downstairs to have some fruit for a snack before bed and Fred decided he wanted a snuggle!
Have a great day, keep up the good work everyone, love Miss Olver x
It’s Thursday, so you need to do your Learn It challenge today. If you still have one, work through this. If not and you are working on the Ultimate Challenges, then these are saved in the Maths Help section of the Class Four website. If you need another sheet, please email me and tell me which one, then I will email it to you. Give yourself 2 minutes to complete your sheet. Once you are finished, if an adult is free, you could ask them to kindly mark it for you, if not, mark it yourself with a calculator.
Year 5
Today you are going to be starting a new unit of work on angles. We have skipped the two lessons on measuring and drawing angles with protractors as I know many of you don't have one at home. You don't need one for today's lesson. Go onto the White Rose Home Learning Year 5 page and choose Week 10, Lesson 3 which is called 'Calculating Angles on a Straight Line'. Watch the video, work through the worksheet and then check your answers. I've attached a document showing my workings for Q3-9 in case you want to see how I worked them out.
Year 6
Today you are going to be continuing with your work on co-ordinates and will be focusing on reflections today. If you have a mirror, then you might want to use this to help you with the tasks. Watch the video on the link below, work through the worksheets and then check your answers. I have attached my workings for Q6 in case you want to see how I worked it out.
Today is Thursday which means we will be working on our homophone spellings.
Start by working through the Powerpoint below. Read the clues and look at the pictures, then see if you can spell each version of the homophone correctly.
Now I would like you to create your own 'Guess the Homophone' game similar to the one you have just done. You could pick some of the other homophones we have worked on together, for example:
Or any other homophones you want to practise.
You could create your game using Powerpoint if you have it, or you could write your clues and draw some pictures to go with it.
Maybe some of you could send me your games and we could put them up for next week's spelling session.
You might want to practise your spellings now whilst you're thinking about them, or you can practise them later.
Today we are going to start by recapping the names of pets in French. Then we are going to learn how to ask someone if they have any pets and how to respond. Work through the Powerpoint below. Remember to click on the sound button so you can listen to how the words are pronounced before saying them out loud yourself.
If you have time, or want an extra challenge, have a go at the French pet wordsearch below. There are two options:
Easier option - wordsearch on Page 1, answers on Page 2
Harder option - wordsearch on Page 3, answers on Page 4
Spellings and Reading
Make sure you practise your spellings (if you didn't practise them in the English session earlier) ready for your test tomorrow and do some independent reading of your choice.