Good morning Class Four and happy Wednesday - it's the middle of the week!
I hope everyone is well and enjoying their home learning this week. I thought I'd do a written message today rather than a video one as I've been busy videoing your Maths for the day and not sure my computer can cope with uploading another video to YouTube and the website tonight!
I have been so impressed with how you have all been getting on with long division so far - it's such a hard method, but it sounds like you are all doing really well. Keep persevering and I promise it will keep getting easier!
And some fantastic newspaper reports, I'm not sure how I will choose just one or two to send, thank you for working so hard on these.
A little update on me - I was in school yesterday with the key worker children, then in my evenings, I've been busy starting to knock down the stud wall in the bathroom so that the toilet room and bath room can become one big room altogether. My poor neighbours - so much banging about! But hopefully it'll get there soon!
Have a great day,
Love Miss Olver x
Today's PE challenge looks like it will be great fun - everyone loves a scavenger hunt! Enjoy!
It's Wednesday today, which means Times Tables tests. Click on the link below to find the times tables test you need (if you're not sure, send me an email and I'll remind you which one you are on). We normally have about 5-6 minutes for this in class as the grids have lots of questions on! Once you've finished, click the answers link and then you will be able to mark it - let me know how you get on so I can update it on my tracker. Good luck!
*I have made a couple of mistakes in my answers! See - even teachers make mistakes and can learn from them.
On the 11-15 sheet, on Q9 the answer should be 80. I need to round up the answer because the restaurant needs enough eggs for everyone to eat, so it's better to have too many rather than not enough. My worded answer also doesn't match the question! I got confused with the other sheet.
On the 11-19 sheet, it is Q10 which is the same question, so again should say 80.
I'm really sorry for any confusion caused and many thanks to the pupil who spotted my mistake and let me know!!*
Last week, you thought about the meaning of each line of the Lord's Prayer, a special prayer which Jesus taught his followers to say when he was on Earth.
In the prayer, there is a section which says:
'Thy kingdom come, Thy will be done, on Earth as it is in Heaven'.
This part of the prayer is asking for Earth to be more like Heaven - for Christians, Heaven is a place full of love and joy where people do as God wants.
Think about the time when Jesus was on the Earth. Can you think of any examples of ways it was not like Heaven?
In our school hall, we have a picture up on the art cupboard doors called 'The Big Frieze' which represents the story of Christianity. I've attached a document showing a section of this picture below which represents the beginning of time through to when Jesus died on the cross. Look carefully at the image and add labels to explain where you have spotted things which show that Earth was not like Heaven.
I've included mine so you can compare - did you spot the same/different things?
Art/Design and Technology
Mrs Soley has planned another great art/design and technology session for you today. You are going to be making a Mayan drum. Read through the instructions carefully and remember to send her some pictures of your final outcome!
2.45pm Pilates Live on Google Classroom
It was great that so many of you joined in with our Pilates session last week. I know how much you all enjoy Pilates so I thought I'd do another one for you today. We will do some of the same moves as last week and some new ones. Join the Google Classroom link at 2.45pm, make sure you are wearing something comfortable!