Tuesday is times table test day, so please practise your times tables first using your Numberlink board. Perhaps you could also get someone to test you using your flashcards?
Do one of the times tables tests saved in the Useful resources section. I have added some more Missing number questions and grids for those of you who have learnt all their times tables. Now we are home learning for longer, I will try to get the single times tables tests added as well.
Year 3
I hope you managed to get onto the White Rose website. I think it was busy with so many children all over the country using the resources. I think the best thing to do is keep trying if you can't immediately access the site.
Today you are going to revise the work we did in school on equivalent fractions. I know it is an area some of you found tricky when we did it before.
Please watch the first video on equivalent fractions which is Week 2 Lesson 5
Then do the worksheet saved below.
How many different equivalent fractions can you find to 1/5?
Write the fractions and draw pictures to prove that these fractions are equivalent.
Year 4
I hope you managed to get onto the White Rose website. I think it was very busy yesterday, with children all over the country trying to get onto the website. If you can't access the site immediately, keep trying!
I have been asked to add some extra questions for some of you who want an extra challenge so I will do this from now on. I added a problem to Monday's maths lesson later on in the day so if you didn't do that one, you could have a go today.
Can I Divide one and 2 digit numbers by 100?
Watch the video on the link below Lesson 5 Week 2.
Complete the task saved below.
If you want to, you can try the challenge question as well.
Yesterday, I spent some time exploring some of the new resources that have now been put online to help children with their learning at home. The government have made a website called the Oak National academy which has lots of lessons for schools. This week, the English lessons are about writing instructions for a robot so as we have just done this topic last term, I though it would be worth trying these as the lessons look so helpful.
Can I answer questions from a non-fiction text?
So, today I would like you to watch lesson 1 by following the link below. When you have watched the video click next activity which is a reading comprehension task about instructions to make a paper hat. Do the task up to Slide 7. The last slide is some spellings, but we will continue with the spelling plan for our class. I will give you your spelling sentences on Friday as usual. At the end of the lesson there is a quiz to recap what you have learnt. I hope you enjoy this lesson, I though it was very helpful.
Today, I would like you to learn a little bit about the country of Egypt.
You will use a world map to locate the country and look at a map of Egypt.
Go to the online atlas saved below. You will see a map of the World. Do you already know where Egypt is?
Click on the continent of Africa. Can you now see the location of Egypt? On the black world map saved below, please label the country of Egypt.
Then click on the country of Egypt on the map. What can you find out about the country from this? On the blank map of Egypt, I would like you to mark on the capital city, 3 or 4 other cities, neighbouring countries, the main river and label the two areas of sea. Make a key for your map in the box. There is a link to another website with a map of Egypt which shows the neighbouring countries more clearly and there's some information about Egypt you could also read.
This half term, we are going to learn a useful skill. I would like you to practise your typing skills using an online program called Dance Mat typing. Today start off with Level 1 section 1 which is using the keys on the home row. If you are already good at typing using the correct fingers, you could move on, but try to use all your fingers correctly which will mean you can type more quickly in the long run.
Have fun practising !
I have put the link below.