Your spelling focus for next week is words ending in -ous. We will do some acvities to practise these words next week. Here are your spelling sentences ready for your test next Friday. Read each sentence aloud. How many words are there ending in -ous?
Spelling sentences 24.5.20 Test 1.5.20
She is jealous of her famous brother who acts in various shows.
A courageous explorer hiked through the mountainous area.
When she exercised too vigorously, she got a serious injury.
In this lesson, you will write your own set of instructions for your own invented co-bot. Don't forget to think about the key features of instructional texts you have learned about in previous lessons this week. If for any reason you can't access the video, I hope you can complete the written task without.
Please could you send a copy of this written work to me when you have finished. I am happy for you to type the work and send the document or write it in your book and send me a photo of your work. I look forward to reading what you have written.
The lesson video and task is in the link below.
When you play the video, you can skip to 3 minutes. The task is described on Slides 1-5
It is Friday so it's your favourite Class 3! Friday problems!
There are 3 different sets of problems:
Yellow is the easier problems
Green is next
Blue is most challenging
If you are not sure, take a look at the sheets and decide which is the right level of challenge for you.
Don't forget to show your workings and write your answer clearly.. When you have finished, the answers are on the second page so you can mark your work.
Remember not to worry if you make mistakes, they grow your brain!
Go to the Sport and Active Learning page on our school website. PE Dave has put your next lesson on there for you. Have fun everyone! You could also have a go at his other challenges if you want to.
Finishing off
Use this time to complete anything you have not completed this week. If you are up to date you could read a book, practise times tables or spellings or do your own research about anything that interests you.
Have a good weekend everyone!