Good morning Class Four,
I hope you are all well and have had a lovely long weekend. We were so lucky with the beautiful weather - it was so hot and sunny on Friday and Saturday.
I had a lovely day on Friday - I cooked some butterfly cakes to celebrate VE day, did some planning in the garden and some gardening. I found some really cool mushrooms growing in my lawn! In the evening I watched the Queen's speech and enjoyed watching some of the music acts.
On Saturday, I went for a nice long walk in the morning and dropped off some cakes on my friends' doorsteps. I read my book in the garden and had a bit of a rest. Flash and Fred enjoyed the sunshine too, they love a bit of sunbathing! It was such a nice, relaxing day.
Yesterday was not a good day. In the morning, Fred came to the door with a dead chick in his mouth. He was so proud that he had caught something (he hasn't brought home anything for over 2 years), I was so sad to see a dead chick. I know it's nature, but it's still horrible. So I made him stay in for the rest of the morning. I took Flash out for a walk and he disappeared into a bush for ages, I called and called and when he eventually came out he had a huge poo in his mouth! Who knows who it belonged too! So when we got home, they were both in trouble! In the afternoon, I put an extra bell on Fred's collar hoping that it would warn any birds if he was around. I let him out and went off to do some painting in the hallway. When I came back, Flash was eating another dead chick on the lawn. I was so cross and sad. So the two of them were grounded inside for the rest of the day. Hopefully today will be a better day!!
Thank you to all of you who sent me an email last week. It's so lovely to hear from you and see what you have been up to. The work you are doing is fantastic - keep it up! If you forgot to send an email, please send me one today
I expect lots of you are wondering about the changes to lockdown which were announced last night. Boris has said that some primary school children might be able to come back to school in June. At the moment, I don't know anymore about this than you do, but as soon as school knows more we will let you know. Boris also said that we can go out and exercise more than once a day from Wednesday which I know will be great news for lots of you (and me!). Maybe you can start planning some extra walks/runs/bike rides with your family to do at the weekend?
Hope you all have a great day today and work hard. Love Miss Olver x
Zac G has been watching a series on Amazon where they retell Greek myths. He said they are really good and has given me the link to share with you. They are free to watch if you have an Amazon Prime account, if not, you can buy the series to watch if you want to.
Here is a message from Mrs Soley:
Hello everyone,
Welcome back to another week of home learning, hope you all had a lovely long bank holiday weekend and enjoyed some outdoor time. Mr Soley and I went on two nice long walks in the sunshine, one on Friday, where we saw some very colourful decorations. I have taken two photos but I could have taken many more. However, it is a little awkward when the people who live there are sitting outside so you’ll have to use your imagination. Also, we heard lots of 1940s music while we were out walking, it was so lovely to see people smiling and happy and enjoying their time outside. Even though families and neighbours couldn’t share the same space, they were making the most of it and lapping up the atmosphere and good food on offer. We didn’t stop to talk to any of them but smiled and waved as we walked past. I wonder if any of you held your own lockdown VE day gatherings and if so, what decorations did you have along with any special food. I know Hayden and Millie’s house was decorated as they sent in a lovely photo. There is also a photo of my grandson Jacob enjoying a socially distanced VE day party. A lovely neighbour of my daughter’s invited them to bring a picnic tea and sit with the other neighbours in their road. As you can see, Jacob is wearing a very patriotic T shirt and thoroughly enjoying himself. The chair was a new experience, one of the neighbours gave it to him and he loved it. Not restrictive like a highchair. He sat in it for 40 minutes and gobbled up all his picnic before he got down to play on the grass.
As you can see, I took some photos of flowers in the hedgerows. They are not particularly pretty flowers but I liked that there were lots of different colours to see, almost red, white and blue, perfect for the celebration weekend.
I made some scones on Saturday morning and I promised Mr Soley that after our walk we would have a cream tea in the garden. I got everything ready before we went out so we could enjoy it sitting in our garden in the late afternoon sunshine and very nice it was too.
Sunday we spent some time in the garage putting the stickers on our grandson’s birthday present. We have bought him a rocker in the shape of a police motorbike. He will love this as it makes noises and has flashing lights. I don’t know when we will be able to give it to him but it’s here ready for when we next see him.
I hope you have enjoyed doing things with your family or spending some quiet time together. Enjoy your first couple of days of learning and I’ll catch up with you all on Wednesday.
Best wishes.
Mrs Soley xx
Year 5
Today you are going to be continuing with your work on decimals. Go to the White Rose Maths Home Learning Year 5 website and find Summer Term Week 2, Lesson 1 which is called ‘Adding Decimals with the same number of decimal places’. Watch the video and work through the worksheet. I have attached the answers so you can check your work. As the answers to Q4 and 7 aren’t really shown on the answer document, I have attached an extra document showing my answers and workings.
If you have time, or want an extra challenge, have a go at the extension sheet which has 2 extra problems for you to try linked to adding decimals. I’ve also included answers so you can check your work.
Year 6
Today you are going to be continuing with your work on angles. Go to the White Rose Maths Home Learning Year 6 website and find Summer Term Week 1, Lesson 3 which is called ‘Angles in a Triangle – Special Cases’. Watch the video and work through the worksheet. I have attached the answers so you can check your work. The answers for questions 6-10 are not very detailed, so I have attached an extra document showing my workings and explanation for these questions. Have a look at these if you get a bit stuck.
If you have time, or want an extra challenge, have a go at the extension sheet which has 3 extra problems for you to try linked to angles in a triangle. I’ve also included the answers so you can check your work.
Remember to write an entry in your diary/journal at some point today.
For your silent writing task this week, I would like you to write your own Greek myth. You will have read at least two Greek myths during our topic work so far and hopefully you are becoming more familiar with this genre of writing. Here are some of the key features of Greek myths:
The website below describes Greek Myths in a bit more detail and has a very short summary of five famous Greek myths (two of which you may have looked at in your topic work). You might want to have a look at this website to give you some more ideas before you plan your own.
In today’s session, I would like you to plan your Greek myth. You can do this on the story mountain planning sheet below. Think carefully about your characters (will they all be Greek Gods/Goddesses or some human beings as well? How about magical creatures?), setting (in Mount Olympus where the Greek Gods/Goddesses live, in Greece itself or somewhere else?) and the key events. Remember that it doesn’t have to have a happy ending!
Tomorrow, you will have time to write your myth and then on Wednesday you will have time to finish writing, edit and improve it. Just focus on getting a clear plan today.
If you are finding it difficult to come up with some ideas, you could have a look at the mythical story planner document below which has some really good questions to prompt you.
Today I would like you to work through Session 3 of Miss Kimber's lessons on Ma Maison. Enjoy
Spellings and Reading
Here are your new spelling sentences for the week from Mrs Kimble. This week we are starting a new unit on words with hyphens in. We will be looking at this a bit more in our spelling session on Thursday. Start practising your sentences today ready for your test on Friday.
Try and do some independent reading of a book of your choice.