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Wednesday 13th January 2021

Good Morning Class 1

click on the link below to hear a message from Mrs Mason

Letters and Sounds

Sing the Jolly Phonics songs to practise your sounds.

Now we are going to have a practise at making some words using the ch and sh digraphs.  Click on the link below to get on to Foam Phonemes on  Then ask your child to fire out the following graphemes from the cannons: i o p m u ch sh.  Then get rid of the cannons by pressing the cross above each of the cannons.  Next ask your child to line the letters up in the white part of the sky.  Now ask your child to make the word 'chip' by dragging each letter down into the water lined up next to each other. I would approach it something like this:  Can you make the word chip?  then repeat again a couple of times chip, chip.  What's the first sound you can hear when I say chip, drag it down in the water.  chip - ch-i-p, chip.  Repeat sounding out a couple more times if  necessary ch-i-p.  Then once it is all lined up in the water, they can click on each sound one at a time to hear the word. Help them as much as you need to.  It tends to be the vowel in the middle that is the trickiest part to hear.  Then put all the letters back in the sky and start on the next word.  See how you get on with chop, ship, shop, much.  If you have an enthusiastic child, why don't you try spelling words that rhyme, say with chip.  You could just have ip in the water and ask them to fire out the sound to make the word sip, lip, hip, tip, rip etc to make rhyming words.  See if they can see that to rhyme you are just changing the first sound of the word each time.  If your child is good at rhyming they can suggest the words, if they are not so good at rhyming then you can suggest the words.  I would think that some of our boys might prefer this activity to the first activity.  Do what is good for you.
Have a go at practising writing some letters now.  Today we are going to practise the letters c and a.  Basically if the children can write a letter c confidently then they are halfway to writing a letter a properly.  Use the handwriting phrases to help the children with the formation, such as curl round the caterpillar for the letter c and round the apple and down the leaf for the letter a. Could you please make sure they start at the top each time, maybe put a dot on each letter where they are to start.  Below is a file which has handwriting practice for all the letters of the alphabet and there are 3 pages for each letter.  We are only interested in the second page for each letter which are the grey letters (the children tend to want to colour in the first page of white letters which is why I tend not to use them).  So can you only print off page 2 and page 8 (there are 78 pages there in total so be really careful not to print the whole document!).  Then if you have felt tips, I would let your child use one of these to write with as they show up well, are easy to use and motivate the children.  Make sure your child is holding it near the bottom not half way up, using a pincer type grip that feels comfortable for them (no grabbing in their palms) and ask them to have a go at 1 line of c and then 2 lines of a. Can they write a few more letter c's and a's on their own without tracing? 
Finally, the children need to get used to writing short phrases with spaces between words.  Watch the animation below which will draw a picture of a dog and then you can click on the grapheme bar to build up the phrase "pat a dog" one letter at a time showing finger spaces too.  You can then rub the phrase out and the children can write the phrase one letter at a time with the computer, again making sure they leave a space between words.  Give it a go - the children should like it because its very scaffolded.  You will need to select OK at the bottom of the games instructions, then Phase 2 and then phrase 1 which is 'pat a dog' - a few of the children have seen it before but will benefit from trying it again.

Number Time

Today we are counting different amounts of frogs swimming in the pond, jumping on the log and sitting on the grass, so adding 3 groups together to find a total.  When it's your turn to have a go at home, you can cut out your own frogs from the activity resources next to the video lesson. Click on the White Rose Maths link below, we are on Alive in Five, Week 2, session 3.

Choose a different number to practise writing your numbers with today.  See if you can write a few on your own after you have done the dotty numbers.

Sing a counting song with Mrs Miller


Click on the link below to sing 5 little speckled frogs.

Winter and Hibernation Story and Art

Can you remember from yesterday what the word hibernate means?  Tell your adult.  Below is a story called "Don't Hog the Hedge" which is about a group of animals all trying to hibernate.  Click on the link below to see and hear the story.

I thought it would be fun to get a bit arty this afternoon so here is a choice of things for you to do.  As the story is all about a hedgehog, I thought we could all have a go at doing something hedgehoggy.  Now we have all already made a woolly hedgehog back in the Autumn and of course the clay hedgehogs for the counting twigs game in the classroom, but we didn't try creating a prickly effect.  So below are a few ideas of how you could have a go at making your own hedgehog.  You can fold paper, snip paper, stick paper, use a fork to create painted prickles, stick on wool, stick on mini pom-poms, make a big pom-pom hedgehog - whatever appeals to you.  If you are a little worried about getting the hedgehog outline right, ask your adult to draw it for you.  Then choose the hedgehog that appeals to you the most and have a go at making something similar. You might have your own ideas and not want to use the ideas below which would also be great.  These would be great to send in for the Gallery for us all to share.  Have fun everyone.

A small message from Miss Newton for Fridays cooking.

Dear Class 1,

I thought I would quickly let you know what you will need for Friday.

The ingredients you will need for your bread is:

500g Bread flour (white or wholemeal)

7g (1 sachet) Fast action yeast - if you are using fresh yeast you will need 14g and 1 tsp of sugar which you will need to mix together and leave for 10 minutes before using.

1tsp Salt

350ml lukewarm water

small amount of oil 

If you are struggling to find yeast and bread flour in the supermarket then the Bakery in Bishops Waltham called Stainers sells both bread flour and fresh yeast. This is where I get mine from. 

Have a lovely week. 

Love from Miss Newton
