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Monday 22nd June

Good morning Class Four and welcome to another week of home learning and apparently it's going to be a week of beautiful weather!

I hope you all had a lovely weekend. Mine seemed to fly by. I realised last week that I had almost run out of meals in my freezer. As you know, I'm quite a busy person, and I really don't like cooking meals in the week because I'm tired after a day at school and want to have time to walk Flash and do exercise and things. I like to have a good stash of meals in the freezer ready to go. So on Saturday, I spent a lot of the day cooking - I made a huge cottage pie, Thai chicken curry, sausage casserole and a cheese and spinach pasta bake. My freezer is now nice and full so I won't have to cook again for a while! I also made some biscuits because you need some sweet food too! Obviously Flash and Fred had to help me cook and kept an eye on me from their positions on the floor!

On Sunday I had a lovely day. I took Flash to the river by the Hub in Bishopstoke in the morning. We haven't been there since before lockdown but seeing as he enjoyed the beach so much last week I thought we'd go. I didn't take any toys because he's quite old and arthritic these days. But as soon as he got to the dog dip bit, he was desperate to get in. He managed to find a manky plastic bottle which someone had left in the bushes and brought that to me to throw in. He was in and out of the water like a yoyo and at the end I put the bottle in the bin - so he'd also helped with litter picking! At 11am I did a Zoom call with my Dad and sister for Fathers Day, it was so nice to be able to watch him open his cards and presents and have a chat. Then I cycled to Southampton Common for a picnic with my friend Hannah, we were really lucky as it stayed dry and warm the whole time. When I got back, I went on a long walk to deliver some of my biscuits to Mrs Soley and Mrs Steele and then in the evening I did a quiz with my Mum's side of the family. It was a busy but lovely day.

I hope you all had a lovely weekend and were able to get out and enjoy the better weather. I hope you also had a lovely time celebrating Fathers Day with your dads.

Have a great day, keep up the amazing work you are doing - I'm very proud of you all.

Love Miss Olver x


Still image for this video
It is Miss Renno's last day at Upham this Friday. We will be making a goodbye and good luck card for her in school, and it would be lovely if those of you working from home could join in with this. Perhaps you could write a little message or draw a little picture which we could include. If you do this, please can you email it to me by the end of tomorrow so we can put it together on Wednesday.

Here is a message from Mrs Soley:

Good morning all,

Oh, my goodness what a busy weekend!  I spent quite a bit of time in the kitchen on Saturday baking some treats for yesterday.  I made butterfly cakes as well as the ladybird cakes.  I hope you enjoy making these, they are very straightforward as only vanilla sponge cakes and you can go as crazy as you like with the decorations.  I also made some marmalade surprise buns for our cake swap yesterday.  Phew!  Mr Soley and I enjoyed a nice walk into Eastleigh to buy some treats for our Father’s Day picnic in the garden.  We probably bought too much food but no doubt it will all get eaten over the next few days. 

Mr Soley and I decided to go for a drive on Saturday evening, after dinner.  We went down to Lee-on-Solent to watch the sunset.  It wasn’t too busy and we were able to get a seat not too far from the water so we could enjoy our ice creams.  It felt practically normal!  The ice cream was amazing and huge as you can see from the photo.  We thoroughly enjoyed it.  While we were there, I noticed the seagulls on the roof of an Indian restaurant.  I took the picture because it seemed to me as if they had socially distanced themselves on purpose. What do you think?

I have included some photos from my garden as everything has started to grow now.  The yellow rose is called ‘Little Flirt’ and we bought it with us from our last house.  It seems to have taken to being put into a new pot and has lots of buds on it and as you can see, one has come out.  My fuchsias in the hanging basket have started to come out too, this one looks like a screwed up face with a big pink tongue – weird!!

Sunday was a lovely day.  Hannah and Jacob came around quite early and spent the day with us in the garden.  Thankfully the weather stayed dry so we could enjoy the fresh air.  Of course, the photo is of Jacob eating because he does that quite a lot.  We all enjoyed the tasty treats that we had bought the day before along with the cakes.  Jacob tried his first fairy cake, a plain vanilla sponge one and ate it all.  We took some toys outside and played with them on the blanket – perfect.

I hope you’ve all had a good weekend and spoiled your dads as well.  I look forward to seeing your art creations this week along with any baking/cooking you have done.

Have a good week everyone.

Best wishes.

Mrs Soley xx

Here are some more beautiful Scientific Creation Story artwork pieces:
And here are some more fantastic animal poems:
I enjoyed our last fancy dress Friday session with Joe - it seemed right that he wore a spiderman outfit for the last one! I wonder what he has planned for us today...


Year 5

Today you are going to be starting a new unit of Maths learning on tables. The video is still provided by the White Rose but is on a new website, so make sure you click on the link below rather than going on the normal White Rose page (this is because we have already covered the rest of the learning currently up on this webpage). Today's lesson is called 'Read and Interpret Tables'. Watch the video and then work through the worksheet. I have attached the answers so you can check your work.

If you have time, or want an extra challenge, have a go at the extension sheet below which has two problems on similar to the pink problems we often do at the end of our Maths lessons in class. I have attached the answers so you can check your work.

Year 6

Today you are going to be starting a new unit on perimeter and area. Go to the White Rose Maths Home Learning Year 6 website and find Summer Term Week 9, Lesson 1 which is called ‘Area and Perimeter’. Watch the video and then work through the worksheet.  I have attached the answers so you can check your work. I have also attached a document showing my workings for questions 2, 3 and 7 in case you want to see how I worked them out.

If you have time, or want an extra challenge, have a go at the extension sheet below which has two problems on similar to the pink problems we often do at the end of our Maths lessons. I have attached the answers so you can check your work.


For your silent writing this week, I would like you to write a fact page about an animal of your choice. It could be an animal which you already know lots about, or it could be one which you want to learn more about. It has to be an animal which is currently living (not one which is extinct or made up!). 

Today, you need to plan your fact page using the planning sheet below. You will probably need to carry out some research on the Internet to help you gather some extra facts. I know how much you like writing fact pages and how much you love animals, so I hope you will really enjoy doing this activity.


Over the past two weeks, you have looked at both the Christian Creation Story and the Scientific Creation Story.

Everyone has questions about creation, children and adults - where we came from, how it all began, how things were made...

Today, I would like you to cut up some strips of paper. On each strip, write a question you have about creation. Try to come up with around 10 questions.

Then, in your book, draw a line down the middle to split your page into two columns.

On one side, put the sub-heading 'Questions better answered by the Bible' and on the other side, put the sub-heading 'Questions better answered by Science'.

Look back through each of your questions, which side do you think they should go on? Is the Bible or Science better for answering each question? Sort your question slips and stick in the column you think they should go in. 

To finish with, choose one question from each column and write a sentence or two to explain why you put it in that column. If one of your columns is empty, can you explain why?

Spellings and Reading

Mrs Kimble has written some new spelling sentences for you this week.

Start practising these sentences today ready for your test on Friday.

Also do some independent reading of your choice.
