Join Mrs Sothcott for a chat at 2pm this afternoon. Scroll down this page and follow the instructions! I look forward to seeing you then :-)
Spelling Sentences
This morning watch the video of Mrs Hayward reading you the spelling sentences and write your spelling sentence. I know some of you like to do more than one so well done if you do! Don't forget to email me so I can email you golden coins!
Good luck!
Year 2
Today you are carrying on with revising er and est. Have a go at the below activity.
Year 1
Have a go at the tricky words PowerPoint. See how many you can recognise. Then can you have a go at the /oa/ phoneme spotter story. At the end of the story there is some sorting you can do.
Today please have a go at doing a reading comprehension. In each document there are three different levels so choose which level is best for you. The answers are also there for you.
Yesterday we asked you to work your way through some maths booklets. If you didn't do that yesterday, I have attached them below for you to click on and print. If you started your booklet yesterday, keep working through it today. If you finish, have a go at one of the challenges below. There are three different levels so choose the one that you feel is best suited to you.
Maths Challenges:
Google Classroom session with Mrs Sothcott at 2:00
Mrs Sothcott will be on Google Classroom at 2:00 and she'd love to know what learning you have been doing at home. You could print some of your learning to show everyone or you can just chat about what you have done and what you have enjoyed. It doesn't have to be learning that was set by us! Remember to click on the Class 2 area and click on the 'Meet Link' at the top of the page. Please join with your microphone turned off. We will take turns at turning on our microphones to talk one at a time!
Here is the Google Classroom information page that explains step-by-step how to log on:
As we will sadly miss our PE with Mr Metcalfe this Friday afternoon have a go at some of the PE with Joe workouts. Please see the link below. Enjoy!