Good morning Class Four,
I hope you are all safe and well and starting to properly get back into your home learning routine now. I have had so many lovely emails from you and from your parents with examples of the great work you are doing. I've put a photo of another bit of lovely Greek myth topic work below and I have now created another gallery on our Class Four homepage for our mosaic photos. Keep sending them in and I will add your picture to the gallery. It looks like you enjoyed doing this lovely task and the ones I've received so far are all fantastic.
Mr Woolley has managed to set up access to a new app where you can download all sorts of lovely books and read at home for free. It's a bit like an online library where you borrow a book and then return it when you've finished. I've put a document below which explains how to use it and he has also sent an email to your parents with this information on. So if you are ready for a new book to read, have a look at this. It's new for the school, so any problems, please let me know and I'll do my best to help!
I had another day of sorting today - the house really is starting to get there. I have unpacked every single box from when I moved now, that doesn't mean it's all been put away yet though, that's tomorrow's job! But the kitchen is pretty much there now. So I thought I'd share some more before and after photos - I'm hoping I'm inspiring you to all do some home decorating perhaps now or when you're older!
Have a great day and enjoy your home learning.
Love Miss Olver x
It's Thursday, which means Learn It day. If you still have one left in your folder, work through this, if not, send me an email letting me know which one you need and I will send it through to you. If you are on the Ultimate Learn It challenges, then these are saved under the Maths Help section of the website so you can help yourself. Give yourself 2 minutes to complete it. Once you are finished, if an adult is free, you could ask them to kindly mark it for you, if not, mark it yourself with a calculator.
Year 5
Yesterday, you finished the White Rose Home Learning work on Percentages. Today, I would like you to consolidate your work on this unit. If you still have some Maths work left from the past few days, use today to catch up. If you are all up to date, then you could choose one (or more) of the following activities to help you practise these skills a bit more.
Option 1: This worksheet has images of hundred squares and then other shapes and you need to write which fraction, decimal and percentage is being shown. The tasks are on Pages 1-2, answers on Pages 3-4.
Option 2: This one does require a printer. Print out the sheet, cut out the triangles and then match the equivalent percentages, fractions and decimals to complete the jigsaw. There are three options:
Easiest: Task on page 1, answers on page 4.
Middle: Task on page 2, answers on page 5.
Hardest: Task on page 3, answers on page 6.
Option 3: Finding percentages of amounts worksheet. You need to find 50%, 25% and 10% of different amounts. Remember that 50% is the same as a half, so you can find 50% by dividing the number by 2. 25% is the same as a quarter, so you can find 25% by dividing the number by 4. 10% is the same as a tenth, so you can find 10% by dividing the number by 10. There are three options:
Easiest: Task on page 1, answers on page 2.
Middle: Task on page 3, answers on page 4.
Hardest: Task on page 5, answers on page 6.
Option 4: Have a go at the Number Invaders Game which involves working out percentages of amounts.
Year 6
Yesterday, you finished the White Rose Home Learning work on Scale Factors. Today, I would like you to consolidate your work on this unit. If you still have some Maths work left from the past few days, use today to catch up. If you are all up to date, then you could choose one (or more) of the following activities to help you practise these skills a bit more.
Option 1: These worksheets involve some problem solving linked to scale factors. There are three options:
Easiest: Task on Pages 1-2, answers on Page 7.
Middle: Task on Pages 3-4, answers on Page 8.
Hardest: Task on Pages 5-6, answers on Page 9.
Option 2: These worksheets focus on ratios and have a range of ratio questions on them. There are three options:
Easiest: Task on Pages 1-3, answers on Page 10.
Middle: Task on Pages 4-6, answers on Page 11.
Hardest: Task on Pages 7-9, answers on Page 12-13.
Option 3: These worksheets have some worded problems linked to ratio and proportion. Remember that worded problems need worded answers! Again there are three options:
Easiest: Task on Page 1, answers on Page 4.
Middle: Task on Page 2, answers on Page 5.
Hardest: Task on Page 3, answers on Page 6.
Option 4: Have a go at the Ratio Stadium Maths Game – you can choose the ‘Private’ option and play against the computer. You need to work out which option is showing an equivalent ratio and then click it to help your motorbike win the race.
Remember to make an entry into your diary/journal at some point today.
Today we are going to continue to work on words which have ‘fer’ in them.
First, watch the video on the link below which looks at what happens when you add different suffixes to the word ‘prefer’.
On this webpage, there is also an activity where you have to spot the spelling mistakes for the words which have ‘fer’ in them. Work through this as well. Just take care as some of the ‘fer’ words are spelt correctly!
Once you have done this, have a go at the ‘What Word Where’ activity. You need to write the correct ‘fer’ word in the space in each sentence. The words you need to use are all at the top, take care when copying them to check if there is one ‘r’ or two. If you are not sure what a word means, you could look it up in a dictionary (or an online one), or ask an adult if they are free to explain it to you. The answers are on the second page of this document so you can check your work.
You might want to practise your spelling sentences now for the day whilst the rule is fresh in your head.
Today we are starting a new unit of work on Belonging. Work through the Powerpoint below – you can record your ideas and work in your writing book.
Spellings and Reading
Make sure you practise your spelling sentences ready for your test tomorrow and do some independent reading of a book of your choice.