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Friday 5th June


Today it is Friday maths time! As usual, I have saved 3 different sets of questions. You need to select the one that is the right level of challenge for you. Do what you can in the lesson. You may not have time to do every question. That is fine, don't worry. Most of the questions involve at least 2 steps so they are all quite challenging today.


Yellow are the easier questions

Blue are the most challenging questions


The answers are saved on the second page. I have also shown the solution for the purses question as a bar model on a photo below.

Please mark your work and if you have made any errors, try to correct these. Remember, mistakes grow your brain!



Can I answer questions about a persuasive text?

Sorry everyone, I made the mistake of putting the wrong National Oak Academy lesson up yesterday, so the one you are doing today should have been done before yesterday's lesson.

So today you will be reading the text that you looked at in the lesson on Thursday and answering questions about the text. Work through the video up to 17 minutes and accompanying slides up to Slide 10. (You do not need to look at the spellings on Slide 11) The answers to the questions are on the video. 

I have saved the questions in a document if you want to print it out and write on the sheet.


When you have finished the lesson, use the picture you wrote about in Wednesday's lesson (On the document it says yesterday's lesson)  to write some persuasive sentences as described in the document below.




Please visit the Sport and Active learning page to watch PE Dave's next video which is basketball skills. Have fun!


Spend some time learning your sentences ready for your test next week. 

Spelling sentences 5.6.20  Test 12.6.20

There was an echo after the boat dropped the anchor.

The school choir and orchestra performed the chorus.

Christopher had stomach ache in his chemistry lesson.

