Start the lesson with the number puzzle below:
Year 3 and Year 4
In today's lesson all of you will be learning about perimeter. Watch the video at White Rose Week 4 DAY 2
The worksheet is saved below. Year 3 please do questions 1-3 (unless you feel super confident then you can try questions 4 and 5 as well)
Year 4 Try to complete as much as the worksheet as you can.
There are some extra questions saved if you would like to do these as well.
The answers are saved so you can mark your work.
Can I identify pronouns?
Go to the bbc bitesize webpage below
Watch the two clips about nouns and pronouns.
Complete the online activity.
Then do the worksheet
Can I answer questions from a non-fiction text?
Our topic theme this week is Tutankhamun. Today I would like you to read an overview about Tutankhamun and answers questions from the text. There are 3 levels of difficulties, 1 star is the easier option, 3 stars is the most challenge. Select the appropriate level of challenge for you. The answers are saved so you can mark your work.
You have already read a little about who Tutankhamun was in your English lesson this morning. In this lesson, you are going to look at some sources of evidence to find out more.
Activity 1
Watch the 2 videos giving some more information about who Tutankhamun was and how the tomb was discovered.
Complete the Tutankhamun mask puzzle.
Activity 2
Open the Activity sheet. There are 4 sources of evidence. I would like you to look at 1-3. We will be reading some diary extracts written by Howard Carter who discovered Tutankhamun's tomb later in the week.
I would like you to think about what you can find out from each source. Write the facts you have found out about Tutankhamun from these sources and the videos in your book.
The Powerpoint will guide you through the task and also give you some answers.