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We usually do our times tables tests today. If you have a grown up to ask you some times tables, that would be great.

Alternatively, you could use your flash cards; to do the speed test  / multiplication check or if you can access the Twinkl website do the practice here


Thank you to Mrs Collins who has also suggested where you can generate your own times tables test.


Year 4

Can I divide a 2 digit number by 10?


Watch the video for Week 2 Lesson 1 on the webpage

Then complete the worksheet which goes with the lesson. Do as much as you can. Then mark your work using the answer sheets.

If you have time complete the reasoning task below.



Year 3

Can I convert pence to £ and £ to pence?

You need to know that £1 is the same as 100p.

Go through Slides 2-4  on the Powerpoint below. The answers show for example £2 and 14p.

I would like you to try to use decimal notation £2.14


Next, do the worksheet attached below.


If you want some extra challenges continue with the Powerpoint Slides 5 onwards.



Can I answer questions from a non-fiction newspaper report?


Read the newspaper report about the Russian submariners who were rescued by a robot.

Answer the questions about the text.


Well it took a lot of effort from my technical support team (Mr Bird!) but eventually we manged to upload the Listen to Me video. Enjoy watching it with your family.

Can you hear any of the rhythm patterns you learnt?

Which was your favourite instrument?


Challenge- maybe you could set up a family Samba band!

Watch the video on this link to give you inspiration:

This is Mas que nada, the song you learnt with Mr Walker.


Still image for this video



Choose a website to practise your times tables. I put a list of possible websites in your folder. There is also the Twinkl times tables practise which I suggested last week, or of course, you can go to
